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This story is not for the Light hearted.
In the country of Russia, something stirs....

Wednesday, October 6, 2010 Chapter 21

She dried her tears as quickly as Nicholas stormed out of her room; they were bugging her eyes in the first place. She smiled; everything was going according to plan. Her grandfather had been right all along, she should’ve killed him in the first place, problem was, she couldn’t resist him. Though, after she found out he was married, she knew she had to get revenge, the sweetest revenge being death. She couldn’t do it herself, no; Lucifer was keeping a close watch on her. Best way to do it was through her dear brother. Her brother who was foolish enough to believe she was innocent and foolish enough to believe her crocodile tears.

She giggled to herself as she skipped over to her bed and fell backwards, still smiling. “It has been fun Jensen Jakov,” she said to herself, “The closest thing I’ve felt to love, yet, all good things must come to an end.”


The next morning Nicholas marched out of the house without a word to anyone else. He felt angry, beyond anything he had felt before. Angry because his grandfather set him up with a whore only to rip his heart out; angry because he was part of a family which found the death of a child amusing; angry because his only friend in this world had been killed, and angry because the same friend raped his sister. He needed to go back, he needed to go back to where Jensen was last alive, and he needed to vent his anger. Ruin everything he once owned, he wanted to see his body, his dead body. The tires came to a screeching halt and he stood in front of his car, his brown trench coat fighting with the wind. He walked down a narrow alley way, grey dust covered the pavement and he heard a police car rush by, the siren drowning into the distance. He paced slowly until he reached a door. He stopped in front of it looking at the old wooden door, and clenched his fist. And then everything came back to his mind, all the pain, all the anger, all the frustration and with a roar he knocked down door.

As the door landed with a thud silence filled the room. He walked in looking at the clean, polished floors, the sofas and tables were all neatly aligned, he could see the squeaky clean dining table shine from metres away. He looked at the mirror which greeted him at the entrance and let out a bitter laugh. Appearances were always deceiving, how could he have forgotten that?

Then footsteps started echoing around him. He looked around, “Who’s there?” he yelled.
“Nicholas?” A voice approached, a voice that he now hated so much. That same anger filled him again, the blood started rushing through his veins as they swelled out of his skin, visible to the naked eye. Nicholas turned quickly, tense, but as the darkness was sheltering him, it was sheltering the newcomer as well.

Jensen approached from the dining room carrying a bunch of neatly pressed clothes, he smiled at Nicholas but Nicholas stood still he did not move.
“You’re alive,” he said stiffly.
“Yeah, I’m not that easy to get rid of, you should know that?” Jensem smiled.
He stormed towards Jensen and Jensen’s eyes widened as Nicholas threw a firm punch at his face. Jensen stumbled back holding his hand up against his slowly bruising jaw.

Nicholas pressed on, he grabbed Jensen by his shirt and threw him at the wall, Jensen put up no defences. Jensen’s hat fell as his head collided with the wall, the world spun a little before Nicholas grabbed his hair, making Jensen face him.

“Never trust a Jakov,” he said as he bashed his head back into the wall, it left a dent there and Jensen would’ve fallen into unconsciousness had Nicholas not gripped his shirt again. Jensen could only see his eyes as his mind slowly began to fall into a blur, those eyes filled with raw anger.

“Tell me why you did it, tell me why?!”
Nicholas shook him, and Jensen slowly recovered, “Did what?” he asked barely managing the few words.

Nicholas let go of him and Jensen fell back, he rolled on his stomach as he stumbled to get up. That’s when he was hit with a chair, his whole body collapsed again.

“If they didn’t kill you, I will, how dare you- you,” he hit him with the chair again, this time two of the legs broke off.
“How dare you rape my sister!”

“I didn’t!” he yelled with the bit of remaining strength he had. Nicholas threw the chair away and once again bent down, grabbing Jensen by his hair, Nicholas’ face hovering above his.
“How dare you.”

And that’s when Nicholas tasted blood. He let go of his grip on Jensen’s hair and Jensen fell back on to the ground.
“I didn’t,” he coughed blood onto the floor, “Your sister- she, she tried to kill me.”
Nicholas froze, but soon grabbed Jensen by his shirt, throwing him at a wall, as his shirt ripped. He put his hand around Jensen’s neck as he held him up against the wall, Jensen struggled to stand straight.

“She- she came to the bar,” Nicholas tightened his grip, “She had a gun, she tried but-“
Nicholas knew it was time to finish this, he let go of Jensen and he slid down the wall to his knees. Nicholas walked over to the table picking up a breadknife which had neatly been placed next to the empty plates. He walked back to Jensen, who looked up at him, for once there wasn’t the smug expression he always wore, he looked up at him with pleading eyes.

“Nicholas... we did, I did sleep with your sister, but-“ Nicholas knocked him over once more, Jensen landed on his back breathing heavily, “I cut myself, gave her the knife, its how Lucifer thinks I’m dead!" Nicholas held him down and lifted the knife, he was going to stab until it pierced the skin, until it pierced the heart. “She sent you to do her dirty work for her!”

Nicholas froze, the knife hovering inches from Jensen’s skin, “Please, trust me,” Jensen said quietly. Every part of Nicholas' body tightened. His breath stopped a moment. He struggled to see in the once needed obscurity. He lost all his strength, now he had truly lost everything. He knelt down beside the other man. He lowered the knife and his hands rested on Jensen’s chest. Jensen breathed hard, his chest moving up and down at a fast rate, it was the closest he had come to death.

“I’m sorry,” Nicholas spoke softly, bowing his head in sorrow, in defeat.


He ran, he didn’t know where he was running, but he ran. What was there for him? Why live a life of sin? Why be the reason behind other people’s pain? He felt his heart slowly choking but he kept running, gasping for breath. Finally he came to a halt.

He stood on a bridge, the wind blowing him towards the sea. He closed his eyes. Everything that was dear to him, he had lost. He stood there, looking down, his eyes fixed on what was to come. Death was so inviting.

He took off his shirt and climbed on the sturdy guard rail. He bent over; tying his legs with his shirt.

He closed his eyes and heard a voice echo at the back of his mind, “Nicholas...”

He fell.
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1 Assasination requests:

Anonymous said...

Wow... (Y)
AND WHY?!?!?!?!?! WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!??!?!?!? HOW COULD YOU?!?!?!

I could feel my mouth slowly smiling while reading that... o.o
Not necessarily evilly, but... nonetheless, I'm a tad creeped out... :/

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