
~ Welcome to A Ninja's Fantasy;) | Latest chapter is 37 A | Remember we have a Q&A page! |

This story is not for the Light hearted.
In the country of Russia, something stirs....

Ask The Butler

As the chapters go on, our readers have many queries about the various things happening in the story. As all these questions are hard to answer through chapters we have appointed Mr. Kamensky, the Jakov's Butler, to answer whatever questions you man have.

Remember, the Butler knows all!
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45 Assasination requests:

Vlad said...

Post your questions here!

Anonymous said...

I was wondering Mr Kamensky, whether or not Vlad and Pierre could please post previews of the next chapter, whenever they don't post for long periods of time, on a separate page, or something of the like :)
And and and and why are the characters so frustratingly human and given to temptation?

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I was also wondering, what is going to end up going on the Ninja Corporation, or will that remain under construction for a long time?

P.S. Is it just me, or do you think I'll be dominating the questions posted here? :P

Vlad said...

Mr Kamensky: Dear Linggg,
Yes, please ignore the fact that I am replying from Vlad's account, I'm not Vlad, I'm Mr Kamensky! I shall tell Vlad and Pierre, it may be a good idea to post previews especially since both Vlad and Pierre will be sitting exams very soon and wont be posting for longer periods of time.

The characters are so frutatingly human because well... they're human characters.

Please continue to enjoy the story! I am sure it will get more frustrating but my presence in the story allows us all to get past that.

Thank You for your question,

Mr Kamensky

Vlad said...

Mr Kamensky: Dear Linggg,
The Ninja Coorporation Page will be up and running this Friday so stay tuned!
And yes, my Kamensky powers indicate that you will be dominating the questions posted on this page.

Please continue asking questions. I feel all alone.

Mr Kamensky

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr Kamensky,
I like your name ^^ It's pretty cool :D

Aww~ Poor Mr Kamensky... You shouldn't feel all alone, I'm here too :D Not that that's any comfort, but anyways...

Mm, is the ninja corporation page going to be featuring the floor plans and pictures of the setting that Pierre is working on?

You should tell Vlad and Pierre to update the character pages soon too

Yours sincerely~

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr Kamensky again!
I know that you're old and need your rest and all that, but like, I just had thought of another question to ask you sir~
Why doesn't Lucia like her kids apart from Nicholas? Aren't Lara and Nathaniel also her kids?

Why does Lucifer do what he does? And like, what's he got against his grandkids?

And like, what happened to Zachary and Carden?

And, I think I'm channelling an annoying teen, so sorry about that ^^"

Kind regards,

Vlad said...

Mr Kamensky: Dear linggg,
I was in midst of my beauty sleep when bombarded with these questions. Ninja coorporation is more of an 'About the authors' page. It may also contain the floor plans but that might be available on another page on a later date. Lucia does not 'dislike' all her kids apart from Nicholas, she just bears more affection for Nicholas.

Lara was mostly raised by her father, Lucia never got to be close with her and Lara spends most of her time away from the mansion.

Lucia actually loves Shae a lot and it pains her to see how her youngest has turned out.

Nathaniel isn't related to Lucia by blood, but Lucia was happy to adopt him. Nathaniel is a clone of Layla (may be explained in future chapters) but was raised by the Drake household. Some mutation/ science stuff caused him to be a male instead of a female. ( I am not the best at science)

Nicholas is Lucia's favourite as she has spent the least time with him but he is generally the nicest and most caring. Nicholas spent most of his childhood on the streets and Lucia feels guilty about that.

Lucifer does not torture his grandchildren instead he uses them to fulfill his own wishes. Lucifer is big on loyalty so from time to time tests his grandchildren on how sincere they are towards him.

We assume that the last we saw of Zachary was in chapter 16 in Nicholas' dream. If that dream contained vivid images of reality Zachary is dead. If that dream was just a dream, he'll appear sooner or later.

Don' worry Carden's on his way and he has his mind set on Shae!

Now back to my beauty sleep,

Mr Kamensky

Anonymous said...

Hiya Mr Kamensky!!! :D
Thanks so much for typing all that out ^^ It is very kind of you :D

Mm, I was under the impression Lara's father had passed away, and that was why Lucia married another? :O

So, you are saying she doesn't love Lara and Nathaniel?! :O

And what was she doing to have spent the least time with Nicholas??

If, operating under the assumption Lara's father was alive, wouldn't Lucifer, who you say is big on affection, expect Lucia have remained with him?

Umm, that's all I can think of right now, so probably, talk to you soon!!

Good night Mr Kamensky,

Vlad said...

Mr Kamensky: Dear Linggg
The story with Lucia's ex and current husband is long. Lucia had an arrange marriage with her ex husband in which she wasn't happy. Shortly after the birth of Lara, Lucia had an affair with her current husband and had Nicholas. Lucia's ex liked to spend most of his time away and raised Lara. When Nicholas was born, tests proved Nicholas was not his child and he wanted Nicholas killed. A huge fight broke out in which your ex passed away. Even then Lara disliked you, and was raised by servants, a result of the constant brainwashing from her father. Nicholas' father took him away, not wanting to expose his son to the mafia or anyone in your family. To save Nicholas' life, Lucia promised Lucifer that Nicholas would be the heir of the mafia. When Nicholas was just 12 years old, Lucifer wanted his promise to be kept and that's when Nicholas' father left him on the street. Nicholas spent most of his teenage years on the streets away from the Drake mafia.

Lara did soon return to you, but Lara has always had a hatred for Lucia, she believes Lucia is the reason her father's dead.

I did not say Lucia doesnt like her other children, just bears more affection for Nicholas.

Mr Kamensky

Anonymous said...

Hiya Mr Kamensky,
I must say... that's a tad of a dysfunctional family there...
But, I notice that the various other pages haven't been updated... I'm a tad disappointed Mr Kamensky... *tsktsk*
But in other news, how are Vlad and Pierre? And their story?

Yours sincerely,

Vlad said...

Dear Linggg
The pages are updated now! Vlad and Pierre are planning mayhem.

Prepare for the twists and turns

Mr Kamensky

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr Kamensky,
How's life? I'm sorry I haven't been in touch for a while, I've been sort of busy.
Mm, so how are everyone? Piere, Vlad, your employer, your employer's friend(s) and rivals?
Does your employer have any friends apart from Nicholas?
And is Nicholas really dead? >.>
And since when did he have voices in his head? What do they represent?

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr Kamensky!! :D
But I was just wondering... How did Lucia and Zachary end up together? :S I mean, Zachary doesn't even like Lucifer and he doesn't seem very involved in the whole mafia thing... So how did he and Lucia get married and have 4 kids? :S
Umm... I just got distracted, and cannot remember my other questions, so talk to you later :)

Vlad said...

Dear Linggg,

Hopefully all will be explained in the next chapter. Don't worry.

Unless you're afraid of dark hidden pasts.

Mr Kamensky

Vlad said...

Jensen doesn't have too many friends, usually friendships annoy him, although he does cherish his friendship with Nicholas. Jensen is very thrill-seeking in every aspect of his life. Befriending the future Drake mafia leader, sleeping with Lara is exciting for him because it is dangerous. He is very loyal to Nicholas though.

Nicholas is not dead.. as you know now. As for the voices in his head, it may be is conscience or as you already know, the drake family is full of secrets (and powers of some sort). Just keep reading and eventually you'll find out.

Mr Kamensky

Anonymous said...

Hiya Mr Kamensky,
Long time no talk :)
Since there's a new chapter up, I was just wondering...
Aren't Lara and Nicholas very close in age? How to ask this... :S Like, shouldn't Zachary realise/know or something prior to them getting together? Time wise?

And how the other characters? :)
So... Hilda is immortal? o.o
What are the other character's powers??? You're probably going to tell me to wait and see aren't you?

Anonymous said...

Hi again,
Also, if Zachary planned to take Nicholas with him, how did Nicholas remain???


Anonymous said...

Hi Mr Kamensky,

Also, seeing as Zachary was supposed to be raising Hilda... How exactly did he raise her, when she spent most of her time on the street? :S


Vlad said...

Dear Linggg,

Most of the questions will be answered in Vlad's next chapter. As for the Lara thing, Zach knows of it, Vlad is being a slack writer and not including all details.

Thanks for noticing my existance,

Mr Kamensky

Anonymous said...

Hiya Mr Kamensky!! :D

What about Piere? What's s/he writing about next? :P
And shouldn't Zach have known about it before they got together? :S
Glad to see you are still alive and well! :D


Anonymous said...

Hey Mr Kamensky! :)
I still don't see how Zach and Lucia could have had their subsequent kids... Mm, they aren't married, are they?
And when was Nathaniel adopted?
And why does everyone want to kill everyone else... :(
Btw, when do we get to see you? :D


Vlad said...

Dear Linggg,

Ahh you are a curious child, in the mafia world, that can get you killed. On a more brighter note more of Zach and Lucia will be explained soon~

Nathaniel was 'adopted' shortly after Lara's birth. More on him coming up soon too~

Why does everyone want to kill everyone else you ask? Because that's how we... er... roll

Oh you will be seeing me quite soon, i shall make a grand and dramatic entrance that everyone will stand amazed by my amazing skills. I have to complain to Vlad and Pierre about why I'm not more involved in the story. I do play a major part in the end.

Ah lots to come,

Mr Kamensky

Anonymous said...

Still haven't seen you yet, but hopefully will soon ^^
More questions :)
Why did Zach leave? And/or why didn't Lucia leave with him?
Methinks you should ask Vlad and Piere to do a bit less history, as it sounds so tragic and tear-inducing :(

Btw, curiousity killed the cat BUT satisfaction brought it back... So, curiousity can't be too bad :) Besides, in the mafia world, the more information one has, I'm pretty sure the more prepared one is...


Vlad said...

Dear Linggg,

Zach left Lucia to look after Nicholas, he moved to America where he started his own business and he is quite wealthy now. Though for a few years later Lucia did go and live with him. this lasted for about 6 years when Lucifer brought Lucia back home. I guess I should say this because Vlad can't be bothered writing about it. Lucia left Zachary because she feared his safety. Lucifer has made many attempts to kill him in the past for several reasons.

Don't worry Vlad and Pierre are about to get on to the action. Just thinking about it gets me like... pumped 8D

satisfaction brought it back then it got hit by a truck because it didn't pay attention to the actual chapters of the story (:

laugh out loud

Mr Kamensky

Anonymous said...

Hello Mr Kamensky,

Absolutely spiffing to make your acquaintance. What a marvelous story being produced be Vlad and Piere, a thrilling fead. I congratulate them on their efforts and await the next release.

Please ask them if they may release any hints about the near future?

Kind Regards,


Vlad said...

Dear Anonymous,

Sure, Vlad and Pierre may be releasing a new "Upcoming" page of some sort very soon.

Thank You for your kind compliments,

Mr Kamensky

Vlad said...

Dear Piere,

I often do recieve comments informing me that I am the Life of the Party.

Why Thank You for your spam. It was getting lonely here...

Mr Kamensky

Anonymous said...

Dearest Mr Kamensky (my hero :))
Hello there :) How have you been? It's been ever such a long long time... :( I apologise for abandoning such a dear friend :(
How's life? :D
And Piere and Vlad?
*sigh* It's been a rather long time since you've featured in the story... >.>
And also, no new chapters means I've strayed to other stories to get my fix of excitement, drama and romance :( I'm sorry T.T

I guess I'm just checking in to say hi and hope you're ok ^^


Mr Kamensky said...

Dear Linggg,
Vlad and Piere are currently on a very long holiday, to whip up new ideas for their story.
Thankyou for asking about my well-being, I'm enjoying a long break myself. Every morning, I wake up and have a nice cup of tea, and pick up my favourite books to read. I've been dismissed from my duties, as Mr. Jakov has given me a break, for chirstmas.

Mr. Kamensky

Anonymous said...

Yo Mista K-Dawg
Your story is so dope
I'm diggin it if you get what I mean brother
Keep writing that good shit
Peace out G

Mr Kamensky said...

Thank You Anonymous for your kind input.
Lots of love,

Mr Kamensky.

P.S. Peace out to you too.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Why did Lucifer only have one kid? Given his position, wouldn't it be more advantageous for him to have more kids?

Mr. Kamensky said...

Dear linggg,

Excellent question! Before he could impregnate his wife, she cheated on him with another male. Thus concluding with his disposal of Rose-Mary.
Although he couldn't have more children, his daughter Lucia has many! Which is advantageous to him.
However if he did have more children, the household would be more corrupted and soon all will be turning their guns on each other, resulting in no children. So it's best to keep the kids at 1 or 2.

Have a nice day,
Mr. Kamensky

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr Kamensky,
Apart from the potential love-triangle, what else encompasses "lots and lots of LOVE"? ;)
SO, why didn't Lucifer re-marry? I mean, it's not like he couldn't... And how is it more advantageous for him to have many grandchildren than children?

Mr Kamensky said...

Dear Linggg,
As always your curious nature is what keeps me employed. Unfortunately, I am unable to give out any further information about what the upcoming chapter consists of and what 'lots and lots of LOVE' could potentially suggest. Though I can guarantee that it'll be quite... interesting.

The reason Lucifer did not re-marry is deep and complicated, and slightly, messed up. This is linked to the history between Rosemary and himself, their childhood and their.. powers. This may be explained in the upcoming chapters, depending on how long the story lasts, and on Piere and Vlad's mood. In short, between Rosemary and Lucifer there was much "Genetic Diversity", not only that, it was practically guaranteed that any offspring that they bore together would carry these diverse genes and express a select few. Lucifer wanted his children (and grandchildred) to possess these gifts, making his mafia stronger than any other. That is why he specifically chose Edward as Lucia's husband, as he too expressed these genes. This also resulted in the variation amongst his Grandchildren. He did not marry because it would risk the chance that any offspring produced from another relationship would not be "special".

Hope that makes sense. Also a warm thank you to the anonymous commentor from April 26.

Mr Kamensky

Anonymous said...

What do you do when Jensen is away? Does it get boring without him, especially given he may be away for long periods of time? Do you have a secret past? ;)
Are you related to any of the characters? By blood or law? :O

Mr.Kamensky said...

Dear Linggg,
When my boss is away, I tend to do house keeping to keep myself busy. After all the house work is done, i retire to my room and read a book or 2. If I have some time left, I'll like to bake cookies and hand them around the neighbour hood.
I find it quite relaxing wihtout my boss around, but he has always been nice to me, never expecting me to do a lot.
My past is something that I wish to keep secret, and my realtions with others wouldn;t be revealed...until a later date.


Anonymous said...

Mr Kamensky,
I feel most disappointed that my last comment has disappeared. (U) So very unloved... :'(

All I can really remember is that I was bored, and I was curious about your neighbourhood. Or something like that, maybe even a comment about your pastimes?
Although, I was wondering if there was anything irrelevant (or hint-worthy) information you could disclose about yourself?


Mr Kamensky said...

Dear Linggg,

I have also had quite some trouble replying to your comment. It is most unfortunate that your previous comment disappeared as I'm sure I would have appreciated it very much to have read it.

Master Jakov's main residence is quite isolated, there isn't much of a neighbourhood. But from time to time I go to my home town. They appreciate my presence very much there and especially my cookies.

Some more about myself:
I know all there is to know about everyone. Though I reveal very little. This lead me to open an advice column at one point in my life. It generated quite a bit of income aswell.

That is all for now and thank you for your kind comment,

Mr Kamenksy

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Kamensky,

I was wondering when the story would end?


Mr Kamensky said...

Dear Anon,

I am taking it that you are an eager one, barely able to withstand the long wait our very busy authors are putting you through and not the alternate conclusion that can be drawn from your question.

The story looks like It will go for a maximum of 50 chapters but there is a high likelihood that the story will end before that. I'm pretty sure there are more than 5 chapters to go.


Mr Kamensky

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Kamensky,
I would wish to ask when the story will be done by the authors? I'm sorry my English is poor but I read this anyway. I put in dictionary and I read in Chinese.
When authors update will they?


Mr. Kamensky said...

The author's will update shortly. Sorry but we have all been on an extremely long break! Thank you for your patience.

Mr Kamensky.

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