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This story is not for the Light hearted.
In the country of Russia, something stirs....

Sunday, October 17, 2010 Chapter 23

“Sweety, please go to bed now, papa needs to speak with your brother,” Zachary asked politely. Hilda gave a disappointed sigh and walked to her room in silence, taking a little peek through the door before shutting it completely. Nicholas avoided his father’s gaze, he looked around the small, contemporary house, it was so different from the mansion he lived in. He liked things being simple, easy to look at, rather than the usual piercing colours of red and gold blinding him at the mansion.
“Nicholas…” His thoughts were interrupted as his father spoke.
“No dad, I don’t want to talk about it.”
“I wasn’t going to ask you to,” Zach replied calmly.
“Nicholas would you like to come back to the US with me? You could help me run the business...”
Nicholas looked at him firmly, “Dad, he will find me. I can’t run away from all this,” he let out a bitter laugh, “Dad I’m a legend, a mafia legend.”
“It’s my fault,” he said softly, sorrow spreading over his face, “Nicholas it’s time to move on...”
“Yes, but first, I’ll destroy him, destroy everything he has,” Nicholas said heatedly. He stood up from his seat and looked towards his father.
“Thank You Dad, this will be a new start, I now have an objective.”
Zachary smiled at his son, “Make me proud.”


Nicholas opened the door quietly, the little girl was lying quietly in her bed, her eyes closed. Nicholas smiled to himself, this is probably the most peaceful she had ever been. Soon that smile turned into a frown, that wasn’t true... she... she had been dead. He walked over to her small bed and lifted the sheets to cover her up, it was going to be cold tonight. He kissed his little sister on the forehead only to find that she started giggling.
“Y’know it’s hard to keep up the act for that long, but still, I fooled ya!”
“You sure did,” he smiled, “Go to sleep now.”
“No way, you gotta tell me what papa said, and you gotta tell me why you jumped, was it cuz of that stupid friend, I saved his life too...” Nicholas smiled and listened to her as she carried on.
“Yeah cuz im gonna steal all his food and his clothes, did i tell ya i got a baseball bat, its like one of those full on metal ones, ima hit him like he’s a baseball...”
Nicholas smiled and put his hands over her mouth, “You talk way to much kid.”
“It’s ma profession bro, it’s like, how I roll.”
Nicholas laughed, “I see, but tell me something, I saw you get shot, what happened, how did you-“
“Papa says it’s like magic, like I got some cool power or somethin’ “
Nicholas froze, “Power?” No... It couldn’t be...
“Yeah, like if I hurt myself somewhere, it just fixes itself, it’s really cool, but it’s why mama don’t know I’m alive...”
Again, Nicholas stayed quiet as he watched his little sister carry on, telling him things that had little relevance to what he asked. Finally, after what seemed hours, she collapsed from exhaustion. Nicholas laughed a little, the kid had way too much energy.
“Goodnight,” he said and left the room.


Zachary sat there; he looked at his hands, and sighed. Never had he imagined that he’d be here, in this situation. Never had he imagined that his life would be so dramatic, so stressful. He sighed and lay on the sofa, looking up at the ceiling.

He had never found life interesting, he possessed no interest in living, he just knew he’d be a doctor one day, yeah, a doctor, because people like him always went into medicine. Life was perfect, he had rich and educated parents, both who were doctors as well, they had gotten married shortly after they finished university together. He had been raised in a beautiful house, his parents would get him whatever he’d ask for, he didn’t even know what real pain was.

“Well Done Mr Grey, another A+,” Zachary took the assignment from the teacher’s hands and looked at it briefly, before dropping it on the table carelessly. He sometimes wished he’d get a D or an E. He looked to his left where his eyes were greeted by a warm smile, it was the new girl, she had beautiful red locks and eyes that would melt any heart, any heart except his. He looked away without any response and saw her frown from the corner of his eyes.

Yet there was a mystery to her, and being the curious person he was, he wished to investigate. She had turned down nearly all the guys from the sports teams, even the really tough ones. Yet Zachary knew that she possessed an interest in him and that helped him get closer to her. He did not understand what triggered her interest, Zachary wasn’t that popular, he was lean and lanky, he never bothered to work out, perhaps it was because he was smart. And that’s why he wanted to know the mystery behind her; he wanted excitement in his life.
Soon it turned out to be that he’d be greeted with a smile every time he walked into class, and to his own surprise, he’d smile back. High School was going to be over soon and Zachary realised he did not want to waste a moment. For once there was something exciting in his life, something he looked forward to, something he desired.

It was a full moon, and despite hating such occasions, he dragged himself to the school debutante. They had held hands, they had hugged, they had danced together. He led her outside, it was a beautiful night, the moon shined down on them as he pulled her into an embrace. They were so perfect, he felt that, he knew that. He looked at her once more, her red curls fell beautifully around her white dress, she was an angel. “Lucia...” he said quietly leaning into a kiss. His lips brushed against hers lightly but she pulled away, leaving a very puzzled looking Zachary.
“I thought...”
“Zach, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry we can’t be together,” she buried her face into his chest, he could feel her warm tears.
“I... I love you Lucia,” he managed, choking back his own tears. What? Why... why was she doing this?
“I love you too,” she said gripping on to him tightly, “But, but I’m going away, far away, my father doesn’t want me here anymore. I won’t be going to university. I have a new life awaiting me.”
He stood there, unable to manage any words, a small teardrop trickled down his face. But there was no one there anymore, no one to wipe the tears away and tell him that they’d always be there. “Why?” he asked quietly. And for once he didn’t know the answer.


Years passed, he returned to his usual self, cold, uncaring, he did not want to be a part of this world. This conniving and mischievous world where everyone was out only for themselves. He thought of Lucia from time to time, but that was about it. He had moved on.
When he went to university, he had decided he possessed no interest in Medicine. His parents were disappointed but encouraged him to do his best in what he wished to do. He decided he liked business management, numbers had always been his forte, and he wished to one day own his own company. That was a far-fetched thought, but he knew someone like him could probably do it.

But it wasn’t long before all that was put to a halt. His sweetest dreams and most horrible nightmares came to haunt him again. It was the day that he saw Lucia again, that it all started. She walked into the campus looking curious and bewildered. He watched her from a distance watching her ask people for route to her destination, thanking them with a polite smile. It’s funny how they all pointed in his direction.

He stood there, as cold as the snow, and when she caught his gaze she froze too. They looked at each other for a moment before he walked in the other direction, leaving a very puzzled Lucia behind. During their break, Lucia decided to talk to him, “Z-Zach?” she managed as he looked up from his lunch.
“Ah, so you decided to go to uni after all,” he said in the politest tone he could manage.
“Yes, I- I got permission to...”
“That’s lovely,” he cut her off and continued eating.
“Zach, are we still friends?” she asked innocently at which Zach looked up at her again, smiling courteously.
“Of course.”
“Then, umm... do you mind showing me around the uni?”
“Not at all.”

It was inevitable, he soon fell for her again. They laughed together, they held hands from time to time, even though she’d normally pull away, he walked her to all her classes, she smiled back at him. The past had soon been forgotten as they both found themselves in an apartment together. He leaned in for a kiss and this time she didn’t move away. Instead she wrapped her arms around him.

He pulled away, breathless, and held her close. “Zach, we can’t,” she said.
Oh no... It was happening again...
“Zach I need to tell you something...”
Shit. She was going to leave him, she was going to leave him. No, not again.
“I’m married,” she said.
Those two words ripped him apart. He pushed her away, taking a few steps back.
“My dad is a mafia lord.”
“What the f-“ she cut him off.
“I didn’t want to, but he said it was for the best, he said he wanted an alliance between the two mafias and I had to marry him.”

Now that he thought about it, he remembered once I man picked her up from uni in a long, shiny, black car, he had grabbed her arm and dragged her into the car, giving Zachary the biggest glare he had ever received from anyone. The man’s name, the man’s name was Edward.

Zachary shook the thoughts away, this was wrong, all of this was wrong, she was married. He stopped. “I- I don’t love him.”
No, don’t do this, don’t say it, for fucks sake...
“I love you, I always have.”
He couldn’t help himself, he kissed her again, even more passionately this time. This went against everything... against all his morals, against all his beliefs. He held her, his eyes trailed down her back and he could see scars. He traced them with his fingers, making her shiver and he turned to look at her, concern plastered on his face. questionably.
“It was him,” she whispered.
Again he held her close, this time letting the night take over, little did he know this night would change his life forever.


A few months later, Zachary received a call from a very shaken up Lucia.

“Zach I’m pregnant.”
“I think, I think the baby is yours.”
A mixture of emotions filled him, he was going to be a father but... she was married.


The months passed by, they’d lie in bed together, he would put his hands on her stomach and feel the child inside. He’d smile at her but the smile would soon disappear when he thought of what this child was yet to face.

When the child was born, Zachary insisted that he be named Nicholas and so did Lucia, much to her husband’s dismay who had other names in mind. There was no doubt about it, the child looked exactly like Zachary and this aroused suspicions in Lucia’s husband. He had a DNA test performed and his accusations had soon become fact.
She screamed as Edward took the child from her arms. “I’m gonna kill him, then I’m gonna kill you,” he yelled, furious.
“EDWARD!” Another masculine voice interrupted this ghastly setting and Lucia sighed in relief.
“Edward hand me the child,” Lucifer spoke, emphasising every word. If there was ever a man that Edward feared, it was Lucifer. He handed him the child and Lucifer signalled to his daughter to follow him.
“Lucia my child, I am most disappointed you have not remained faithful to your husband,” he said as he sat down in his large, red armchair. Lucia was on her knees pleading, “Please father, please, save him.”
He looked at the silent child and smiled, “Lucia I cannot assure this child’s safety.” He looked at his daughter who was desperately looking up at him, tears streaming down her eyes, “Unless you promise me something.”
“Anything, anything father, anything...”
“That young Nicholas will one day take over this mafia for me; I have always wanted a son to accept my responsibilities.”
Lucia froze and her voice filled with sorrow, “Yes father.”


Zachary sat in his small apartment, running his hands through his hair, this was such a mess. Nicholas, HIS son, would be living his life with, with that monster. He hated Lucifer, he hated Edward, he did not want his son to live such a life, to be exposed to such things. The door burst open and he looked up, shocked. A man carrying an empty bottle of vodka and a gun in his other hand looked at him, furiously. It happened too fast. The man approached him, holding the gun to his neck. Zachary struggled against him, the man was strong and forceful, “So you been sleeping with my wife, pretty boy?”

It was Edward. “I’ll show you, ya little punk,” Edward took the empty glass bottle and smashed it against Zachary’s head. Zachary fell to the floor, he could his own blood dripping on to the white carpet. Edward turned him around and shoved the gun in his mouth, “I’ll show y-“ he stopped and Zachary watched with wide eyes as the man fell forwards on to him. He heard the gun shot and looked at the door, Lucia stood there, trembling, a gun in her hand.
She ran over to Zachary and pushed Edward’s body away. “Zach... “ she spoke softly, her hand shaking violently as she touched his face.
“Lucia, I’m taking Nicholas, I can’t leave him here.”
She burst into tears, laying her head on Zach’s chest.
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