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This story is not for the Light hearted.
In the country of Russia, something stirs....

Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Chapter 20- Part A

“Mother, you do not have to bring my food up to my room, I am quite capable of-“

“It’s the least I can do,” she cut Nicholas off as he sat up in his bed. He sighed taking the bowl of hot porridge into his hands watching his mother pick up his dirty clothes and place them in a bag.
“The butler can do that,” he said but only got a smile in response. As he slowly ate the porridge, Lucia finally sat down, a look of guilt on her face.

“I’m sorry I am such a failure,” she said. Nicholas raised an eyebrow at her, what had brought this up?

“Mother, it had nothing to do with you.”

“I failed in my duties as a mother,” she spoke softly.

He put the bowl aside on the wooden bedside table and looked seriously at Lucia. “What Shae done has nothing to do with you, if anything it is grandfather’s fault,” he let out a bitter laugh, “It comes with being in a mafia.”At this Lucia frowned.

“I don’t understand why you don’t just leave?” Nicholas asked.

She smiled at him, “I stay here for you, you are the only one I have in this world, and you make me proud.”

At this he went cold. Proud? He was the worst. He was probably the one who put more innocent people to rest than any of his siblings. He was the feared Hamlet. “Mother, I am the one who you should be most ashamed off. I have done nothing in my life to be proud of. Mother, you should leave. I sense things are going to get worse with time. I can’t, but you can.”

She smiled at him and picked up the bowl and put it back in his hands, “Eat,” she said and with that, she left the room. It wasn’t long before the intercom went off. He sighed and pressed the glowing orange button.

“Yeah?” he asked.

“My dear grandson, how are you feeling?” the old man asked cunningly, which made Nicholas frown. Nicholas hated him, hated him with a passion.

“Never better,” Nicholas replied casually.

“That is very comforting to hear, Nicholas, please when it suits you, come upstairs to my room, there are some very important matters I must discuss with you,” Nicholas could hear him smiling wickedly through the intercom. Fake words of concern spilled out of Lucifer’s mouth and when Nicholas could not stand it anymore, he pressed the intercom to end the call.
He sighed leaning against the wall; this was going to be a long day.


“Mr. Kamensky, MISTER KAMENSKY,” Jensen yelled to the butler, as he searched through his pile of clothes.

“I’m coming, I’m coming, young people these days have no patience.” The old man entered the room to see Jensen throwing his clothes into his wardrobe in a disorderly fashion.

“What is it Master Jakov?” He asked.

“Mister Kamensky, I am going to have a friend over tonight, so please have the house prepared accordingly. I know we have just moved in but please have it cleaned to the best of your ability. Oh! And please don’t forget dinner,” Jensen smiled

Mr. Kamensky nodded and was about to make his way out of the room when he was stopped by the younger man. "Is this formal?" he asked. Jensen was wearing a white t-shirt, the top 3 buttons were undone exposing a golden chain with a cross pendant on it. He wore formal black pants and wore an extremely proud expression.

“Seriously sir, is this your attempt to look formal?” At this Jensen frowned. The butler hurried over to his suitcase and picked out an old, brown coat with matching pants, a cream t-shirt and a red bow tie. He smiled and handed it over to Jensen, who looked at it with disgust.

“Thanks old man, but no thanks, I’m gonna stick to my style,” he said adjusting his hat.
The circus,” the butler thought to himself.
As he was exiting the room the butler stopped in his tracks and looked at the younger man. “Ah! So this friend of yours... Is this person a friend friend, an enemy friend or a friend friend,” the butler asked suggestively.
Jensen chuckled, “Just get the house ready old man.”
As the butler left the room Jensen stared at himself in the mirror. “I’m sleeping with the devil aren’t I?”


The door bell rang and Jensen opened the door to be greeted by a beautiful woman with curly blonde locks and eyes to die for. ‘It’s funny how looks can be deceiving,’ he thought to himself as he invited the girl in. She walked in and looked around at the new house in which Jensen had recently settled in. Since she told Lucifer that Jensen was dead, Jensen had to move out to a remote location. This house was small, the wooden floors were old and creaked when stepped on.
“You went to all this trouble for me?” Lara asked.
“Anything for you,” he smiled and kissed her passionately. He then pulled her in for a hug and they stood there like that for a while. For him, being with her was a thrill; it was like sleeping with the enemy. The thought of love and death being so closely entwined together drove him mad. When they broke apart she took her icy cold hands and ran her fingers over the wound on his arms. Her frosty touch sent a chill down his spine.
“Hungry?” he asked, kissing her forehead.
When he looked up, he regretted leaving the door open, because standing in the doorway was his wife. ‘Shit,’ he thought. Seeing that Jensen had his eyes fixed on the doorway she turned around to see a woman shooting daggers from her eyes. Suddenly, the tension in the room began to suffocate her.

“Layla,” Jensen nodded at her, his voice monotonous. He asked Lara to stand where she was as he walked over to the lounge table to get the divorce papers. He handed the papers to Layla and then turned around and began walking over to Lara, expecting that Layla would leave on her own. Instead Layla leaned on the doorframe and smiled, “So who’s this slut?” she spat.

Jensen froze, Lara watched as he clenched his fist, veins in his arms began to pop out. “I suggest you leave now,” Jensen said slowly, controlling his anger.

Layla turned to Lara, “Did you know that he had a wife? Or are you really that desperate?” she said.

Before Lara could say anything Jensen turned around, “I HAD a wife. Those are the divorce papers. Please don’t come back here again,” he said as politely as he could.

Layla turned to leave, “Just so you know, Nathaniel’s out to get you, you and your whole family,” she said, and with that she left.

It became silent, Jensen stood there looking at Lara, his eyes pleaded for her to understand while his mind feared for his life.

“So, you think you will get away with this right?”
“Lara please...”
“You will not!” she screamed. She stopped, was she- was she upset? Had she fallen in love with him?
“You will pay,” she moved closer to him and pulled on the chain around his neck, “with your life!”
“Lara, nothing I ever said to you was a lie,” he said.
“No, you’re just another Jakov, and like all of them, you will die too,” she said and began walking out. He grabbed her arm and she threw a fist at him, he caught it midair. “Hear. Me. Out,” he said as she struggled against him. She threw another punch, one which made contact with his face. He pushed her against a wall trapping her there.
“Listen to me,” he said softly, “I had already signed the papers, I was in love with you, I swear.”
She stopped struggling and he let go of her. Her arms rested on his shoulder as she pulled him in for a kiss. He abruptly pulled apart and looked at her seriously. She smiled back at him, her smile sending more chills down his spine. This time he kissed her.
“Sir dinner is getting col-“ the butler walked in and stopped.
“I’m sorry. Mr. Kamensky.” He said in between kisses, “We will be skipping dinner tonight.”
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