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This story is not for the Light hearted.
In the country of Russia, something stirs....

Saturday, August 21, 2010 Chapter 12

Zachary stood in front of a large facility. It was a single story building made entirely of metal. It reminded him of one of those evil laboratories that mad scientists worked in. He ran around the property frantically, this place could not be it. Zachary looked at his tracking device which indicated his daughter was at this facility. He felt his heart sink.


Jensen slammed another guard ruthlessly into the wall and with a hook punch, the man collapsed to the floor as if the life had been drained out of him.
"Come on,” Nicholas yelled from across the hall knowing that Jensen liked his fights slow and painful.
“You really take the fun out of this mate,” Jensen replied catching up with Nichola. Nicholas saw Hilda struggling to keep up with them and saw a look on her face which suggested fear. They ran down a staircase that led to the basement. And that’s when he heard the gun shot. His body froze and his eyes grew wide as he saw the little girl fall to the ground, blood slowly starting to cover the floor. Jensen looked in horror as he saw Carden approach them, five men following him.

“You sick bastard! Why’d you have to shoot her?!” He walked aggressively towards Carden and in reply two men, fully dressed in black, walked towards him. One of the men threw a stray punch at Jensen’s face, one which he was easily able to dodge. ‘Pathetic,’ he thought. Jensen danced back and around the man, and in two deft moves had him on the ground. He celebrated his victory for a few seconds but soon found himself face down on the floor. The man behind him had swept his legs out in a wide, graceful art, connecting with Jensen's ankles, throwing him off balance. A third man approached carrying a large piece of wood and with a full swing towards Jensen’s head, knocked him out, leaving Nicholas on his own. Nicholas still stood there, staring at Hilda, her eyes were open but they were still, there was no movement. She was dead.

Carden smugly walked over to where Jensen laid spread across the floor. “Because she was weak," He said, "The weak don’t deserve to live.” At that Nicholas clenched his fists, his eyes turned a darker colour, and he turned around to face Carden. He was no longer Nicholas, this was Hamlet.

One of the remaining men threw his fist at Hamlet, which was caught. In a flash, Hamlet twisted his arm until he heard a crack and threw him into a wall. The man slid slowly down the wall and on to the ground at which Hamlet smiled. At this two other men dashed towards Hamlet. One of the men, with a scar connecting from the top of his forehead to his cheek-bone, threw a solid punch at Nicholas and his fist connected with Hamlet's jaw. Hamlet ignored the burning sensation as the other man had taken out a gun and was pointing it at Hamlet. As the shot was fired, Hamlet pushed the man with the scar in the direction of the other man. Three bullets pierced threw the man’s body and he fell to the ground a pool of blood slowly developing. While the other man stared in disbelief Hamlet attacked, he landed a twist punch which made the other man take a few steps back. Hamlet then followed with a kick to his head and the man fell unconscious. Swiftly picking up their guns he shot at the two men remaining. Hamlet never missed a shot. Both fell to the ground their blood polishing the floor.

He saw the look of horror on Carden’s face, which made him more bloodthirsty. Hamlet darted towards him at which Carden fired a few useless shots. No bullet could take down Hamlet. Seeing he didn’t stand a chance, Carden ran towards the staircase. He managed to run down the staircase and straight into a room. Hamlet followed, the steps creaking, his mind fixed on killing the man.

He ran into the room to find that Carden was nowhere to be seen. Instead he saw Shae sitting calmly at a dining table, having a meal. Next to her was the face he had so longed to see. Michelle. She looked up at Hamlet with a blank expression which made his whole body go numb. His sister smiled.
“Told you she was alright,” She said with a wicked grin.
“M-Michelle,” He barely managed. Within seconds Carden appeared from behind the shadows, his gun pointed towards Michelle’s head.
“She isn’t going to be alright for too long,” Carden said, “Drop the gun.”

Nicholas let go of his gun without a single thought and put his hands up. He felt a piercing pain in his back as he was attacked from the behind by one of Carden’s men. He was then hit by a long piece of wood from the front, the pain spreading through his torso. He looked at Michelle, desperation in his eyes but received no response. The men dragged him outside and after beating him up to the point that he could no longer move, left. Carden grinned and walked over to Nicholas.
“Why if it isn’t the fierce Hamlet,” He said, “Taken down because of a little girl,” Carden looked at Michelle and then back at Nicholas, “And a slut.”

At this Nicholas tried to launch himself at Carden but was struck down. Michelle walked over to the scene, her face was still unreadable. She looked at Carden, “I’ll take care of this.” At this Carden smiled and walked off.

She looked down at Nicholas and he lifted a hand to her face. She caught his hand mid-air. “Remember the code? Trust nobody,” She said and with that placed a light kiss on his lips and left. Nicholas felt his whole world shatter and unable to withstand any more pain, he drifted into unconsciousness.
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1 Assasination requests:

Anonymous said...

As amazing as your writing is...
You'd better give a reason soon... :'(

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