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This story is not for the Light hearted.
In the country of Russia, something stirs....

Friday, September 10, 2010 Chapter 14

Shae treaded down the empty corridor, her face bright red from anger
and embarrassment. ‘How dare he even suggest that I would kiss him...
that... that little-,’ her thoughts were interrupted by a small
repetitive sound coming from behind a metal door. She opened door to
find a small box from which came a continuous ‘beep’ noise. She looked
inside to see a blinking red light.

“der’mo!” she said.
Lucifer lay on his bed in silence in his dark, yet large room. His thoughts
polluted his mind as he struggled to get to sleep. How was it that a
mafia could survive so long without being taken down or being blown to
pieces? It was the mystery that had everyone puzzled, how did the
Drake Mafia survive? Many images of his childhood came to mind.

‘Freak!’ his mother yelled as the little of his belongings and pillow
was thrown at him. He stood outside as the rain poured on to him. The
door shut and he turned to walk away. A small droplet followed a trail
down the left side of his face and dripped off his chin. Yet his face
was emotionless, his eyes were as empty a well in a drought.
He walked down the sidewalk as the dark slowly began to
take over. His clothes were drenched, his arms shivering from the
cold, but he walked on as there was nothing else he could do. He heard
snickering behind him; a gang of young boys were walking towards him. He stared at the ground and continued to walk forwards, avoiding any eye contact.
One of them, Daniel Russo, grabbed his shoulder and forced him to turn around.
“Your mummy abandoned you?” He teased. Lucifer remained silent, there
was no need to reply.
“Probably cuz’ he’s such a freak,” one of the others barked angrily.
Daniel looked at him with a glare, it was an order to shut up, this
was his prey.
Daniel, who was much taller got down to Lucifer’s level and stared at
him in the face. He looked at Lucifer’s empty expression for a little
but then began to laugh like a maniac, the rest of the group followed.
Anger filled Lucifer and he spat in Daniel’s face. Daniel wasn’t
laughing anymore, his expression changed and before he knew it Lucifer
was in midair, Daniel’s hands were around his throat and he struggled
to breathe.
“You. Little. Punk.” Daniel said, infuriated as he wiped the saliva
from his face.
Suddenly Lucifer was dropped to the ground. He landed on his back but
his gaze never left Daniel. Lucifer looked intently towards him, as
Daniel struggled to breathe.
“Don’t look him in the eyes!” One of the other boys yelled.
Daniel’s hands struggled around his own throat, and he kept staring at
the boy on the ground.
“Stop Breathing,” Lucifer said quietly.

Daniel fell to the ground, struggling, one hand around his throat and
the other reaching for Lucifer’s feet. Slowly he fell to the ground,
his eyes slowly closed and his grip around Lucifer’s ankle let go.
The others looked on in fear as they saw their leader collapse.
Lucifer looked towards the next who immediately turned away. Within
seconds they were all gone. Lucifer looked at the body on the floor.
His first murder.

“One shot and the whole place blows,” Jensen grinned.
“Is it that powerful?” Nicholas asked.
“Don’t know… But to make sure I planted a couple of these babies all over the place,” He looked towards an empty box of H-6 explosives, “One of these will cause the other to blow.”
“You have too much fun with these things,” Nicholas sighed and held Hilda’s body closer to himself.
“Just living the moment.” He picked up the gun loaded with RDX and aimed it towards the grey building.

Lucifer had woken up. It was one of those nights where everything from the past would come to haunt him. But what kept him going was the future. He sat on a traditionally crafted wooden chair with a red cushion and stared at the chessboard in front of him. It looked like a usual chessboard; it was square-shaped and had repeated black and white squares. What was different about this chess board was that some of the pieces were missing. To the side of the board there were many large chess pieces, each with letters of the Russian alphabet etched on to them. He picked up a black piece, a queen, and slowly etched a name on to it with a carving tool. He then placed it on to the board. Next he picked up a black bishop and carved the name ‘Shae’ on to it. He then placed the piece on the board with a smile. He followed by picking up a white knight and carved ‘Jensen’ on to it. He smiled again as he saw his chess board was starting to come together. These were the names of people he knew, the people who were supporting him and the people against him. To him life was a game, a game to be won, and to do this he first had to decide which side each individual belonged to. Next he picked up a black rook and as he was about to carve ‘Nicholas’ on to the piece he stopped. He looked towards the white rook still sitting on the table and decided to put the black one down next to it. Looking at these two pieces standing together, he pondered for a while.
Before Jensen could pull the trigger he heard the sound of another gunshot. Carden stood there with his gun pointed to the sky.
“Put the RDX down, Jakov,” Carden spoke sternly.

Jensen hated being called by his surname, “Or what Zicarelli?”

Carden pointed his gun towards Jensen but Jensen only grinned.
“You know you can’t do that,” Jensen smiled. Carden replied with an irritated look. That’s when Jensen heard Nicholas grunt and fall to the ground behind him, a man standing wearing a proud look stood there with a fire extinguisher in his hands.
It was Carden’s turn to laugh, “What a pathetic sight,” he said looking at the body of a dead girl and an unconscious man. Jensen stood there, frustrated with the choices he had at the moment. But things were resolved for him as another gunshot was fired, this time piercing Carden’s arms. Carden roared at the pain and saw the gunshot was fired from a roof top. Jensen turned to see a man wearing a mask, holding a rifle in his hands. Within seconds the two men behind Jensen had been shot and killed. The man fired another shot, this time the bullet pierced Carden’s leg and he fell to the ground. When Jensen looked back up the man had disappeared. He picked up the RDX and aimed it at the building.
“Carpe diem,” He said and with that he shot at the building. The building exploded one bomb at a time and soon Jensen realized that they too were in danger. He shook Nicholas who was still out cold but no response came from him. Jensen grabbed Nicholas arms and threw them around his neck, carrying Nicholas on his back. He looked for a second at the body of the little girl on the floor and with a slight regret, he ran off.
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