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This story is not for the Light hearted.
In the country of Russia, something stirs....

Tuesday, August 17, 2010 Chapter 10

Michelle watched as Nicholas sipped slowly from his glass. She watched as he smiled at her, his look was so warm, he looked so relaxed. Soon that all changed, his body froze and for a moment he looked at her, a sort of fear in his eyes. She watched the muscles in his face tense and he fell to the ground with a conclusive thud.

At that point a group of people dressed in black, their faces hidden entered the restaurant and surrounded them, one of whom Michelle recognized. Shae stood there, a smirk forming on her face as she saw her brother on the floor. “Take the girl,” she ordered.

Zachary walked the familiar streets of his hometown. He felt somewhat at ease, despite all that he had on his mind. He had to find his daughter. She was meant to have stayed at the orphanage; it was the only place she wouldn’t be found. He stopped at a corner cafĂ©, it was a small place and didn’t seem too crowded. He sat outside, the weather was beautiful, the sun was out, the streets filled with chatter, yet to him, it was dark. The waitress soon came up to him and asked for his order.
“What can I get you today, sir?”
“Just a coffee, thanks.”
She nodded and wrote down the order. He took his wallet out of his pocket to make the payment and opened it. He looked at the photo on the left, his beautiful wife smiling gracefully back at him and his two children, the little boy wearing his usual awkward smile and his daughter hiding behind her brother. This picture made him smile every time, but when he realized how much things had changed, a sense of grief came over him.
“Umm… Sir?” the waitress looked at him awkwardly. He apologized and gave her the cash. She smiled politely and walked off. He let out a brief sigh and looked up at the sky.

His wife woke up in hospital a few hours later. He sat there holding her hand, and smiled as she woke up. “What… What happened?”
“We were in a car accident, don’t worry everything’s fine.”
“Where are we?”
“We’re still in Kuala Lumpur, honey”
“When did we go to Kuala Lumpur?” He looked at her confusedly. At that point, the doctor walked in and explained that she had most likely lost a lot of her recent memories. That’s when he decided he wouldn’t tell her. He wouldn’t tell her about their daughter. Their daughter was in an unstable condition; the nurse said it was unlikely she would survive. He didn’t want his wife to be sad, or get hurt. He smiled at her and she looked at him with a concerned expression, she always knew when something was wrong.
“Don’t worry about it,” He said.

A few days later his wife caught the plane back home. He walked back to the hospital only to be greeted by an overjoyed nurse. She told him it was a miracle, his daughter had made it. He went into the room where he saw her sleeping soundly. What was he going to do now? How was he going to explain this to his wife? He looked as the little baby opened her eyes and he held her tiny hand in his. He would look after her; he would care for her more than two parents put together.


As Nicholas woke up, he realized he was no longer at the restaurant. He found himself facing a grey wall his hands tied behind his back and his feet tied together. He panicked when he realized that Michelle was no longer with him and he grunted as he attempted to break free of the ropes which tied his hands together.
“Need help, mate?” He rolled over to the other side and was glad to see a friend rather than a foe.
“Yeah, help would be appreciated,” He replied. The other man, Jensen, grinned at him. Only he would grin in such a situation.
“No can do, mate,” He held out his hands, “I’m all tied up too.”

That’s when the door opened and two people walked in, one, the son of a great mafia lord, Carden, and the other his sister.
“Good morning, brother.”
“Good morrow,” he replied sarcastically, at which she laughed.
“Now now, you should get comfortable here, you’re not going anywhere anytime soon-“
“Where’s the girl?” He asked sternly.
“Who? I have no idea who you’re talking-“
“Don’t mess with me! Where’s Michelle?”
“Are you sure that’s her name, Nicholas?”
“What the hell? WHERE IS SHE?”
“She’s just fine,” Shae smiled, it was never good when she smiled. “But since you care about her so much, I’ll let you in on a little secret.” Nicholas glared at her, barely able to control his rage.
She knelt down to his level, “Her name’s not Michelle,” She whispered, “And she is the reason you’re here.”
At this Nicholas launched at her but landed on the ground as a fist came into contact with his face. Carden stood there looking proud and smiling at Shae. Shae ignored his efforts to impress her and with a glance towards Jensen she left the room. Carden followed after her leaving Nicholas feeling bitter and ruined.
“Nicholas?” Jensen tried to move closer to his friend who was still lying on the ground.
“I’m fine,” He said arrogantly.
“Mate…” Jensen paused as he heard a sound come from the ventilation. They both looked up simultaneously.
“Hey,” A little voice came from the ventilation hole.

Authors Note: Hey guys, sorry for the delay and all... I decided to write a super long chapter to make up for it... and to make up for my dodgy writing skills. Hope things are coming together in this chapter... Either that or now you're totally confused. Both ways its awesome. Thanks for reading! AND COMMENT!! Comments make me happy :D
P.S. Pierre and I have many evil plans for upcoming chapters.
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