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This story is not for the Light hearted.
In the country of Russia, something stirs....

Thursday, April 21, 2011 Chapter 33

“You wanted to see me, Nathaniel?” Lucifer sat in his armchair only mildly interested in the conversation that was about to begin.

“I’m leaving for a little while,” Nathaniel said, his voice was void of emotion.

“Leaving? To where?” Lucifer asked suspicion arousing in his mind.

“Not sure, around and about. I need some time off, need to enjoy myself,” Nathaniel shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

A cool gust of wind blew in through the windows as Lucifer looked up at the younger man, “I am surprised you think that you deserve a vacation,” he said coldly.

He paused, fondling with his chessboard, like a child playing with his toy soldiers, he picked up different pieces and analysed them one at a time. Another strong gust of wind blew in through the window, this time, knocking down one of the black pieces on Lucifer’s side of the board. The old man stared at the fallen piece and then looked up at Nathaniel.

“Very well, Nathaniel. But remember, sooner or later you will be coming back.”

“That is my intention.”

“Your intention is irrelevant,” Lucifer snapped, “You have no choice.” His voice slowly turned to a whisper as he looked back down at the chessboard, hand gesturing Nathaniel to exit the room.


Shae slowly stirred from her sleep, turning around to see her husband sleeping soundly. His chest slowly moved up and down as he breathed the morning air around him. She found that she enjoyed lying here, watching him, admiring his masculine beauty. She realised, for once, she didn’t want to go home; she wanted to stay here or perhaps run away from home altogether. It was time for change; the poison that stirred in her heart all her life was almost gone. The venom of her family, her mother, her father, her grandfather, it wasn’t there anymore. This man who she once hated more than any other being on this earth, she was truly in love with him. She moved closer to him, laying her head on his chest so she could hear his heartbeat, reassuring herself that everything would be fine.

“Good morning sweetheart,” he said, his voice was soft and deep.

She looked up at him for a second then quickly looked back down, seeking refuge from his curious eyes and mischievous grin.

“Still shy, are we?”

He received no response, which made his smile spread even further on his face. He lifted her up, pushing a strand of her rosy hair behind her ear. His finger gently lifted her chin and they made eye contact once again.

“Do we have to go back?” she asked, already knowing his answer.

“I don’t want to go back,” he said softly, “But we don’t have a choice. I am the heir to my family, I could not possibly betray them, as much as it is tempting,” he smiled.

“Do you ever wish you were a doctor’s son, or perhaps a lawyer’s son, or just born in some other household?”

“I never really thought of it, it was never something I could control.”

“We’re suffering the mistakes and sins of our elders,” she said.

“We’re sinners ourselves. But it is because of them.”

“Is it?” Her fiery eyes bore into his and he had to shift his gaze away from her.

He pulled her into a hug instead, “My beautiful wife worries too much, just let life be. We’ll be back tomorrow and we’ll deal with everything then,” he lifted her head up once again, “We’ll be fine, I promise.” He pressed his lips down on her as they lingered in the moment.


Nathanial gave him a questioning look. “He’s using you Nathanial!”

“Hasn’t he always,” Nathanial replied casually, “At least this time I’m getting a bit of respect for it.”

“He’s going to kill you,” Nicholas spoke in a dangerously low tone, “And thousands people along with you.”

It was quiet. Nathanial just stood there, he knew it was inevitable that one day Lucifer would kill him, but when Nicholas spoke those words, unfamiliar emotions filled his heart. His words were stuck in his throat.

“He created you for a reason, he wants to use you, like an atom bomb, he’s going to wipe out a nation, it’s crazy but it’s what he’s planning...”

It didn’t make sense in his head, “Are you fucking drunk Nicholas?”

“Does it look like I’m drunk?” Nicholas whacked his hand across his head.

“It’s a lot to take in, I know...”

“I don’t believe you.”

Nicholas stopped, “Wait what?”

“I don’t believe you,” he said again.

“Get your head straight Nathanial. I’m here to help you.”

He felt anger flowing through his veins, yet he controlled it. “I don’t need your help,” he said calmly.

“You have to fucking listen to me. Take this,” Nicholas took a small note from his pocket and took Nathanial’s hand, putting the piece of paper in his hand then holding his hand with both of his.

The thoughts and memories repeated in his head as he stared at the note in his hand. It was an address. Nathaniel knew it was in his best interest to go but he wasn’t sure he was ready to confront the truth of his situation. The hurt he had bottled up inside of him began to overcome him once again. He was only an object in the end, a weapon. He wasn’t a human, not even close. He had no humanity in him. He’d kill ruthlessly; take the lives of those who could do something good in this world. Was there a point to saving himself? Or was it better to end it there and then. He pulled out a gun from his pocket and stared at it, how was he any different?

Other thoughts began to cloud his mind, the girl he had saved the previous night. She had been taking over his thoughts ever since. Who was she? Why would she be in a place like that? Nathaniel went there to release his anger; it was the place he was born, the place he most hated. He didn’t know why he saved her; he wasn’t usually the type to care. He shook his head in an attempt to let go of these thoughts and stood up. He looked at the address once more before heading out.


Lucifer sat in his armchair, still, contemplating the situation he was in. The room was completely dark, his mind was hard at work. He stared at his chessboard, it was one of his most beloved possessions. He treated life as a game of chess, for to him it was nothing more. He heard the rain start pouring outside as lightning struck, the sound blared in through the window.

He looked at the open window frame, “Funny I thought I had closed-“ He turned back to see a black figure standing in front of him. The figure was wearing a long black trench coat which danced with the wind. Only the small amount of light coming from the desk lamp revealed the figure to be his grandson, Nicholas.

“Ah, Nicholas, it seems you have been practicing your skills?”

The younger man remained silent.

“What is it Nicholas? Where have you been all this time? I feared that you may have been dead. But I knew it wasn’t possible, after all, you inherited your powers from me. You won’ be killed off that easily.”

“I won’t,” the still figure spoke firmly.

“And that won’t be causing me any trouble will it?” Lucifer joked.

“It might.”

Lucifer’s expression changed immediately, he frowned, looking up in displeasure, “Ah, so it was you, my dear Nicholas, who attempted to steal my creation from me?”

“Nathaniel is not an object which you can possess.” Nicholas slowly walked up towards Lucifer.

Lucifer smiled, “Would you like to play a game Nicholas?” he gestured towards the seat in front of him. Nicholas walked forward and took the seat staring Lucifer in the eye.

“You know most people wouldn’t dare make eye contact with me, they know better.”

“You can’t do anything to me.”

“I am saddened, son, I always thought you would carry on my work, this business, this empire that I’m about to create.”

“I will succeed you, grandfather, but I will destroy everything you ever created.”

The tension grew between the two men.

“You have some guts to confront me-“

“I am not the type of man to plot behind closed doors. When I plan to do something, I do it in the open. Grandfather, I challenge you, this empire or whatever it is that you like to call it, I will crush it in my fist, and then I will crush you.”

Lucifer looked down at the chessboard, “So let’s begin the game shall we?”

Lucifer moved a pawn forward while Nicholas moved one of his. Lucifer stopped to examine the board but when he looked back up at his opponent, he was gone. The sound of rain outside filled the room with grief, “Oh my dear Nicholas."


Hilda stared out of the window of her room, the events of last night played out in her mind. She had never felt so vulnerable in her life. She could take care of anything that came in her way but she didn’t even want to think about what would’ve happen if that man hadn’t come to save her. His face was framed in her mind, his strong features highlighted by the moon’s light. Her thoughts were interrupted as she looked out the window to see a roaring motorbike come to a stop.

‘WHOA!’ she thought, ‘What a sick motorbike!’

She saw the man take off his helmet, she couldn’t make out his face but she could tell he was rather young. He was headed towards the building that she was in and realising this, she ran out of her room to tell her father.

She ran around the house but soon realised her father was not at home, and Hilda soon realised that she and Jamie were the only ones home. Jamie had not stepped out of her room at all, but when Hilda had brought her some coffee last night, she was furiously working on some kind of project which Hilda didn’t quite understand.

There was a knock on the door and Hilda stood stunned, she did not know whether to open it or not. What if it was dangerous? There was another knock, this time much harder and this time the door fell to the floor.

‘Dammit,’ Hilda thought remembering Jamie’s psycho rage which resulted in the broken front door.

She looked up and saw the man standing in the doorway, it was him. The man who had saved her. He was right here. He looked surprised, he didn’t expect to see her either. She was lost for words.

“You-“ He was cut off as Nicholas walked up behind him.


Nathaniel turned around to face Nicholas.

“I came, the address you gave me, I’m here.”

Nicholas smiled and pulling the other man into an embrace while patting his back.

“It means a lot to me that you have put your trust in me, Nathaniel.”

“I realised that you are the only friend I have.”

Nicholas invited the younger man in while Hilda just stood there, still speechless. His name was... Nathaniel. She examined him, he was wearing a black leather jacket with rugged jeans, his hair was messy but it suited him.

As Nicholas walked inside, he noticed his sister standing there, looking a little bewildered, “Hilda, this is Nathaniel, he’s a very good friend of mine, we practically grew up in the same household. He’s going to be staying with us for a while.”

Hilda smiled at her brother than turned to Nathaniel, “Cool bike you got there,” she said in the almost excitedly.

“Yeah,” the other man replied.

“Could I have a shot at riding it?”

“No.” He said firmly.

“Aww...” Hilda began whinging but was cut off by her brother.

“Give him some space,” he said, eyeing his sister meaningfully. He looked back up at Nathaniel, “Make yourself at home, I’m going to go take a shower,” he looked back at Hilda, “Show him the empty guest room,” he said before walking off into his own room.

They both stood there awkwardly for a bit before Hilda spoke up, “So what? You just gonna stand there for the rest of your life? Your room’s this way.” She walked on towards the guest room.

Inside her heart was beating at a pace she couldn’t control, partly because of her previous encounter with this man, and the other because of the hot motorbike parked outside that she was practically dying to ride.

Hilda walked in first then Nathaniel followed. Nathaniel lifted his bag and dumped it on his bed and walked over to the curtains to throw them open, sunshine started pouring into the room. Hilda noticed his keys shining in the bright light and suddenly an image of Jensen popped up in her head, ‘Embrace your femininity,’ the words repeated in her mind, followed by Jensen’s wicked smile. Hilda paused. Nathaniel was first to speak, “What were you doing in such a place? Last night?” turning around.

“More importantly, I would like to thank ya, for y’know, saving me.” Hilda walked up to him throwing her arms around him, she stood on her toes while hugging the other man. Nathaniel froze, “I-It’s okay.”

She gave him a quick peck on the cheek before letting go, “Thank you,” she said before quickly scurrying out of the room.

Nathaniel let out a big sigh before falling down on his bed. ‘Oh god,’ he thought and closed his eyes. His thoughts were interrupted by the roaring of an engine, his eyes were wide open as he realised that it was from his own motorbike. His hand fled to his pocket to notice that the keys were missing. In an instant, he jumped up and ran towards the window to notice Hilda sitting on his motorbike smiling up at him.

“HEY!” he screamed out of the window, “I SAVED YOUR BLOODY LIFE!”

“THANK YOU!” she yelled back.

This took place as Jensen was returning to the building himself afteer having a quick encounter with Cotorno. He paused and looked at the younger girl, “What are you doing?!” he said loud enough for her to hear.

“Embracing my femininity!” she yelled back.

Jensen laughed, “You go, sister!”

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