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This story is not for the Light hearted.
In the country of Russia, something stirs....

Tuesday, March 1, 2011 Chapter 31

She remained there awhile, completely overwhelmed by emotions, but still and rigid. Her hands shook a little before her grip tightened around the cordless phone as she began screaming her brother’s name into the empty dial tone. Her watery eyes found Nicholas’, vulnerable; she searched for hope in his brown eyes, but only saw pity. The last remaining piece of her broken family had been lost. It was the last they saw of her before she marched into her room.
The men in the room sat in disappointment, all for different reasons. It was Jensen who first spoke up, “Someone should be in there.” He pointed to the room currently occupied by an unstable Jamie. Nicholas looked towards his father, his chin rested on his hand as he sighed, the stress marks on his face more visible. He caught Nicholas’ eye, tilting his head towards the room and urging him to go.
Nicholas looked desperately at his sister who sat crouched at the front doorsteps, her back towards him. He wondered what was going through her mind. It was a few moments before she stood up and walked in the direction of the room. Nicholas could sense the sorrow coming from the usually carefree girl. She walked in and looked back out through the slightly open door, receiving and encouraging look from Jensen before she closed it and took a few more steps in.
Her tiny footsteps echoed throughout the room as she searched for the crying girl in the darkness.
“Jamie?” She whispered, her small voice bringing a stop to the sobbing from the other girl.
Silence. Hilda stood there, looking at the barely visible girl, crouched on the floor behind the bed. She walked over, turning the lamp light on to find wet trails running down from Jamie’s eyes and past her chin. When Jamie finally looked up, she saw tears swelling up in the younger girls’ eyes.
“Go away,” Jamie said firmly but Hilda took it as an invitation to sit down beside her.
“Did you not hear me?!” She screamed.
“Just leave me alone,” She said, her voice becoming quieter.
“You don’t have to be so strong,” Hilda’s tiny voice rang out.
Jamie’s eyes widened. Insulted, she grabbed the younger girl by the shoulders and shook her, “What would you know? You do nothing but act like an overgrown child! You’re childish antics are annoying, what the hell would you understand. You have no freaking idea, kid!”
She stopped shaking the younger girl who was now whimpering, her face hidden amongst her long, untidy hair.
“Isn’t that what you’ve always wanted?”
Jamie stopped to look at the girl in disbelief.
Hilda looked up at her, “Isn’t that what you always wanted?” she repeated, “To be carefree, to be happy instead of always being strong, to smile carelessly?”
Jamie froze, as a single tear drop fell out of the corner of her eye. Hilda sat up, bringing a still Jamie into a hug, “I know you regret not spending that kind of time with your brother but it’s okay, he knew how much you loved him, and I bet he’s going to be really upset right now to see you cryin’ and all.”
He looked at the faces of the other two men in the room and saw only saw forced expressions of sadness. How could he regret the loss of a life when he was a killer himself. Jensen couldn't bring himself to feel remorse, the best he could manage was to pity the girl who just lost her brother. He found the air too thick to swallow.
“Nicholas," He said, his tone unusually enthusiastic.
Nicholas looked up questionably from the other side of the room.
"Can you predict what is going to happen today or tomorrow or the day after?" Jensen suddenly asked.
"No-" Nicholas was cut off.
"Then what do you want to do tomorrow?"
"Kill the bastards who did this." Nicholas said almost instantly and was surprised at his irrational response, as his hands formed a fist.
"Then why not do it today? You might not be alive tomorrow or the day after, or hell..." He stood up and pulled his gun out pointing it towards Nicholas. Nicholas pulled back in his chair and Zachary who had been sitting quietly so far, stood up immediately.
"Hell," he continued, an almost sadistic smile plastered on his face, "You might not be alive today."
It was a moment before a grin spread across Nicholas' face as he realized the thought behind his friends assertive behavior. Zachary stood bewildered, unable to contemplate the situation between the younger men.
"Nicholas... Do you like Lucifer? Do you want to be like him? Take over the mafia, be Hamlet."
He got no response and Jensen reloaded the gun walking closer to Nicholas, still waiting for a flicker of doubt in those eyes.
"Because if you're Hamlet, I am your enemy. If you are Nicholas, I am your friend." He said sternly, his eyes still fixed on Nicholas'.
"There is nothing I want more then to see Lucifer's head torn apart from his body."
"Then will you commit to it?"
Nicholas looked towards his father, who stood there fearing the situation on hand. He gave his son a look of uncertainty.
"With my heart," he said turning towards Jensen.
The two men marched into the casino, as if it were their own territory. Jensen had a grin plastered on his face, eying the waitress who offered him a drink on the way in. Nicholas on the other hand was expressionless; he walked straight to his destination.
The red carpet, the loud music, the spinning roulette, and the shouting of numbers was noise to his ears, and what Nicholas has realised, was that his taste in entertainment had changed. A lot had changed.
He looked over to Jensen, to see that he was no longer beside him. Nicholas stopped and looked around to see Jensen chatting up another waitress. Nicholas marched over, grabbed Jensen by the collar and dragged him away.
“You seem to be enjoying yourself.” Nicholas stated.
“Yeah, you should be too.”
“Why didn’t we just use the other entrance, we’d get to him quicker and without being detected? And you’re making it no easier to stay hidden.”
“Well that’s just the guy I am, I like the attention, hence that's why we used the main entrance,to warn them that we’re coming.”
As they continued walking, the waitress picked out a small microphone from underneath her clothes and whispered into it.
“I WANT HIM DEAD! DEAD, YOU HEAR?!” The old man screamed. He signaled the two females on either side of him to leave the room.
“I am sorry, they’re already here, we have sent all our men after them.”
“YOU SAID HE WAS DEAD!” Contorno screamed again.
“That is what they told me sir. I am sorry.”
“I did not-“ before the man could finish his sentence a bullet had already pierced his throat.
“Useless, completely useless!” Cotorno put down the revolver but immediately gripped it as the door burst open. He was relieved to see one of his men standing in the doorway, but his eyes grew wide as the man fell dead revealing two other men behind him.
“So the great Hamlet lives...” Cotorno said, his voice calm for the first time.
Nicholas walked in, wearing a blood stained coat, a frown spread across his face. He looked down on the floor to see a dead man lying there, blood still flowing out from his body.
He looked back up at the man in front of him,“It was not necessary to send such company to greet me.”
Cotorno immediately pointed his gun at Nicholas who stood there, his sharp eyes fixed upon the old man.
“So you’re here to kill me?” Cotorno stuttered, his hand shook as he tried to hold his gun up.
“Lucifer wants me to kill you.”
Cotorono was barely able to pull the trigger when another bullet sounded, his gun fell out of his hand and he stood up looking bewildered. The second man in the doorway turned around, smiling.
“You have betrayed your family? You are with the Drake Mafioso?”
Cotorno stood there, then screamed, “THEN JUST KILL ME, WHY DO YOU HAVE TO WAIT!”
“If I wanted to kill you I would have done so, I can’t stand your presence.” Nicholas paused, “But it seems I could use you, yes, even a coward like you.”
Cotorno’s tone changed, he knew that if he didn’t do what the young Drake wanted him to, he would most certainly die, “It seems that you need my assistance? Why would a Drake ask for my assistance, unless...”
In one swift move Nicholas raised his gun and pointed it towards Cotorno, “I did not ask you to speak,” he said.
“I want your men to stand by me. Against Lucifer.”
Cotorno paused, as his eyes glittered with hope and vengeance, “So the young Drake, wants to overthrow Lucifer.”
Nicholas tightened his grip on the gun, “Like I said, no talking. I want your men to assist me if anything comes up. Lucifer will destroy you and your mafia, but if you side with us, I promise you victory and I promise to satisfy your desire for revenge against Lucifer.”
“Lucifer can’t even dream of destroying us.”
“I alone, took down 20 of your useless men, Lucifer will not even think twice. You are an insect to him.”
“So to you, we are just bait, the pawns that go first in battle.”
“If we succeed, you will be more than just pawns. Perhaps even partners.”
“Very well, Hamlet, you have my word.”
Nicholas was surprised but did not show it in his expression.
“If you take back your word, you’ll all be dead.” And with that Nicholas exited the room.
Jensen walked over to a vase and picked out a red rose. He walked over to Cotorno, handing the rose to him. Cotorno looked away.
“I promise you victory, Cotorno, our family ties will not be broken.”
“I always feared building an alliance with the Russian Jakovs.”
“You’d only have to fear if you were not one of us.” Jensen offered the rose again only to be rejected.
“Hmm... works better on ladies...”he said, and with that he walked out.
Jensen walked out to the back of the casino, into the dark alley way he saw Nicholas standing, his eyes wide as he spoke to someone on the phone. Jensen walked over, and stared at Nicholas until the conversation was over.
“Yes, I understand.” Nicholas said, hanging up.
“Whats up?” Jensen asked, curious.
“Jamie has run away.”
“Any idea where?”
“Where do you think?”
The two men looked at each other before running towards the car in a frenzy.

“Thanks and keep the change!” Hilda said handing the money over to the cab driver and jumping out of the car. The cab driver was a bit concerned about where the girl was headed at this time of night but drove anyway. She walked around for a little bit and found herself in the middle of nowhere. As the different places started to seem more familiar she began retracing her footsteps from the previous time she had been here.
Once she started approaching the big grey building she started running, she noticed Jamie’s car parked near the front entrance. She ran up to the porche and knocked on the windows calling out Jamie’s name, hoping she was still inside the car but she wasn’t.
‘She must’ve gone inside,’ she thought.
Hilda was about to make her way inside when a hand came around and covered her mouth, holding her back, she struggled away and saw three men, their faces covered. She started screaming.
“There’s no one here, scream all you want!” One of the men laughed. The man stepped forward, he was clean shaven and his clothes were clean, but his eyes warned her of danger. Hilda started running but was soon grabbed from behind again. They dragged her away towards the side of the building. Struggling against the hand over her mouth Hilda tried screaming, tears were running down her face as she tried biting and scratching the men capturing her.
“What the fuck are you doing?”
The three men stopped and turned to look at the fourth standing down the alleyway. His face was hidden amongst the shadows but he soon pulled out his gun. Hilda’s eyes grew wide as she fell to the ground. The three men let go of her and each pulled out their own weapons.
“Girl, run.”
She did as she was told and ran. The three men, two with guns and one with knives started heading towards the lone man standing far away. One threw a knife which missed the targets face, he turned his head and the moonlight revealed his figure to the three men, who stood there stunned, knowing death was nearby. At this point Hilda turned around, seeing the face of her savior before continuing to run.

Jamie stood bewildered, the floor was stained with blood, her brother’s blood. She fell to her knees and stayed there. This was the last place her brother had been, the place he took his last breath. She her voices and footsteps and her hand immediately fled to her shoes where her gun was hidden. She stepped back behind a row of filing cabinets and waited.
Two men appeared, both holding revolvers and casually walking around.
“Heard about the pizda who got killed here last night?”
“Yeah, didn’t even take more than a bullet. What was he thinking coming here on his own.”
“Some dumbass that couldn’t save his own ass.”
Jamie could barely control her anger, she leapt up putting bullets through the heads of both men. There was a silence before she heard yelling and a heard of masked men fled into the room. She went behind the counter and checked her supplies. She only had 4 bullets and there were at least 6 of them. One of the men walked up to the two dead bodies, checking for their pulse then ordering the rest to search around the room. Jamie took a deep breath. The men began prowling around the large laboratory. It was moments before one looked behind the filing cabinet, he barely lifted his gun before he was shot in the head. Hearing the bullet being fired, the other men ran in Jamie’s direction. Most of them hiding behind posts while trying to shoot her. Jamie peered out from behind and shot one man. Bullets started firing furiously in Jamie’s direction, the metal on the filing cabinets was being destroyed by the gunshots. Before Jamie knew it, another door opened in front of her, she gasped as she saw Nicholas standing there and in three clean shots, three of the men fell dead. Nicholas dived behind the cabinets, coming to land beside Jamie, occasionally firing shots at the men. Hearing the commotion more of the guards fled in from the doors and before he knew it, Nicholas was out of bullets.
“Fuck!” he yelled and almost as if on queue, Jensen blasted another entrance, holding a light machine gun he took down one man at a time. He ran across the room passing one of the kicking one of the dead guards guns towards Nicholas who picked it up and started shooting again. As the last of the men fell to their deaths, Jensen dropped his gun and ran towards Jamie.
“You alright?” he said cupping her face.
Jamie, surprised by Jensen’s sudden actions, could not respond.
“You nearly got us all killed!” Nicholas yelled.
She sat there in silence but was again taken by surprise as Jensen swept her into his arms and began carrying her out.
“Come on Nicholas, let’s just take her home.”

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