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This story is not for the Light hearted.
In the country of Russia, something stirs....

Tuesday, December 7, 2010 Chapter 29

Other than the two guards at the front, the building was abandoned. Tony walked amongst the group as they entered the large facility. The place had been trashed. Broken windows, glass, papers and documents covered the floor though he couldn’t help but notice a little smirk on Nicholas’ face when they first entered the building.

Tony walked over to a steel filing cabinet; it remained the only intact object in the room. He was disappointed to see that it was locked; he fidgeted with the drawers, trying to force one to open. He heard a sigh from behind him; his sister walked towards the cabinet, pulled out a pin from her hair and unlocked the drawers within a few seconds. The others watched on curiously as Tony examined the papers.

“Lee, what’dya find?”

Jamie shot Hilda a look and pressed her finger to her lips.

“Geez...” Hilda rolled her eyes.

Tony read through a few files, flicking quickly through the pages and stopping to examine a few more closely.

Nicholas got curious when he saw Tony’s gaze remain steady on one particular page. He walked over and saw that he was staring at a name, Long Lee.

“Who was that?” Nicholas asked.

“Take a guess.”

“Your father?”

Nicholas’ answer was approved by a nod.

“Where is he n- “


“I am sorry.”

“No need, he was a dick.”

Tony looked over to where Jamie was standing, she was analysing a large machine very closely. She reached out her hand to touch the damaged metallic frame but pulled away as she received a sharp electric shock. At this Hilda giggled, only to receive another glare from the other female. Tony was glad that his sister didn’t hear the remark he had made about their father, she was perhaps the only one who loved him still, perhaps it was because she witnessed his death. He walked over to the machine, admiring its structure, astonished by the technology.

“It’s horrendous what has happened here, yet, the technology here is quite amazing.”

The others waited for a synopsis of the current situation. “What we have here is a device which transmits large amounts of energy into an object or organism. Any normal individual would not last even 2 minutes in this machine, however, in the case of Nathaniel or E1 as I may say, well, he can store a great capacity of this energy for a brief period of time, before expelling it in powerful bursts, causing explosions, much like a bomb, only 100 times the impact caused by a regular explosive.”

“In this case, how much harm would this machine actually cause Nathaniel?” Zach asked curiously.

“Depends on the severity of the explosion, but generally when a bomb blast occurs, afterwards, the original bomb does not remain.”


“Dario Zicarelli, is it? Tell me to what I owe the pleasure,” Lucifer spoke cunningly as the second Zicarelli brother stood before him.

The young man stood casually, hands in his pocket and his cigar still lit, he walked towards a wall, analysing the paintings hung there. “I am honoured that you have accepted my brother to be a part of your family,” he said, looking towards Lucifer.

He received a nod from the older man.

The young man smiled, walking around the room as if it were his own territory. “It really is an honour,” he looked directly at Lucifer, “But tell me, sir, what is the reason you have allowed such a marriage?”

Lucifer was impressed, the man was bold and daring, unlike Carden. Perhaps Shae should’ve chosen this brother...

“My son, it was a wonderful surprise to me that the two wanted to join in matrimony, and I wouldn’t ever disapprove of such a marvellous opportunity to improve the bonds between our families.”

Dario let out a mocking laugh, “Is that really your intention? Or is it to eliminate our family all together,” he slammed his hands on the desk behind which Lucifer was still calmly seated.

“What is your real motive,” Dario spoke slowly looking into Lucifer’s eyes, his emphasis on every word.

“I will tell you my real motive,” Lucifer said staring back into his eyes with a hypnotic gaze, Dario tried to look away from the old man’s gaze but he couldn’t move.

“I want you to pick a fight with Nathaniel, insult the Drake mafia, if you have to, you will abuse my granddaughter, Lara, until you get shot. Do you understand?”

Dario’s eyes were empty, “Yes, I understand,” he said, his voice lacking any emotion. He walked out of the room without another word as Lucifer smiled.


Nathanial stood before the chapel entrance, unusually excited about the situation he was in. Lucifer had requested that Nathaniel attend this wedding ceremony and Nathaniel was more than happy to accept. He could hear soft chattering and light music, all which added to the ceremonial effect.

As soon as he stepped into the hall, the chattering quietened as their eyes turned to him. He heard a whisper to his right, “What is he doing here?” which only made him smile. Even those outside the family despised him, of course they didn’t know what he was, but they knew he wasn’t right. Nathanial smirked as he walked down the hall; his wild, chestnut brown hair stood out amongst the other males, their hair was slicked-down, with a large amount of gel. However, Nathanial did have the decency to wear a suit and he noticed the gazes of a few young women following him down the aisle.

He saw Nicholas standing at the end of the aisle, his hands were held together in a fist in front of him and he raised an eye brow as he saw Nathaniel make his way to the front. Nathanial went and stood next to him, they remained silent a while until the crowd began to converse again.

“What are you doing here, he’s going to be furious,” Nicholas whispered, his gaze fixed upon the crowd.

“Not if he invited me,” Nathanial chimed.

Nicholas turned to him with a shocked expression, “What?!”

“It seems he’s finally accepting me.”

“Using you. Nathanial you have no idea.”

Nathanial’s expression turned to a frown and he spoke in a loud voice, “I have no idea? Really?”

The crowd went silent at the outburst. Nicholas saw that he was clearly enraged, he looked at the giant clock, hanging still like the crowd, and realised there was plenty of time till the bride arrived. He took Nathanial’s hands and dragged him out of the hall. They walked down a narrow corridor until they reached another door. They burst in, as Nathanial was still yelling at Nicholas, only to be confronted with further screaming from women getting dressed for the ceremony.

“Get out, now,” Nicholas said in an annoyed and rough manner. The women, scared, and knowing who he was, grabbed their belongings and left the room quickly.

Nathanial calmed down, his mind adapting to the now very serious environment. “That’s not usually what you say to half naked girls in the same room as you.”

Nicholas glared at him, he was agitated by what Lucifer was doing, he was annoyed that Nathanial didn’t realise.

“Nicholas- “

“I cannot understand how you can be so naive.”

Nathanial gave him a questioning look. “He’s using you Nathanial!”

“Hasn’t he always,” Nathanial replied casually, “At least this time I’m getting a bit of respect for it.”

“He’s going to kill you,” Nicholas spoke in a dangerously low tone, “And thousands people along with you.”

It was quiet. Nathanial just stood there, he knew it was inevitable that one day Lucifer would kill him, but when Nicholas spoke those words, unfamiliar emotions filled his heart. His words were stuck in his throat.

“He created you for a reason, he wants to use you, like an atom bomb, he’s going to wipe out a nation, it’s crazy but it’s what he’s planning...”

It didn’t make sense in his head, “Are you fucking drunk Nicholas?”

“Does it look like I’m drunk?” Nicholas whacked his hand across his head.

“It’s a lot to take in, I know...”

“I don’t believe you.”

Nicholas stopped, “Wait what?”

“I don’t believe you,” he said again.

“Get your head straight Nathanial. I’m here to help you.”

He felt anger flowing through his veins, yet he controlled it. “I don’t need your help,” he said calmly.

“You have to fucking listen to me. Take this,” Nicholas took a small note from his pocket and took Nathanial’s hand, putting the piece of paper in his hand then holding his hand with both of his. Nicholas looked at the younger man once; he saw the confusion in his eyes, he saw what he was once. With one last glance, Nicholas left Nathanial in the room walking out into the hall and back to where the ceremony was.


Lucifer was greeting a few of the guests. Nicholas returned to the altar, he glanced sideways, to see Carden standing, wearing his usual grin and anxiously waiting for the bride. Carden looked at his watch impatiently, tapping his feet, but that smile didn’t wear off. Nicholas felt kind of sorry for him; did he know what he was getting himself into?

He saw Lucifer speak to Dario Zicarelli, it was an unusual sight, and both of them were smiling and seemed to be exchanging kind words. The other Zicarelli’s were also present, their group kept to themselves, not particularly enjoying the current dilemma of the two families bonding. The Zicarelli’s filled up exactly half the hall, where as the Drake’s filled up barely two rows of seats. The rest of the rows were filled with alliance mafia groups. Nicholas saw his mother beaming up at him and she too was anxiously waiting for the bride. Her smile turned to a frown when she noticed that something was wrong. Nicholas smiled back reassuringly. Lucifer went and stood next to the doors, he smiled proudly, and Nicholas instantly knew he was up to something.

Nicholas saw the white limousine arrive in front of the chapel, all eyes turned to see the door open and the bride walk out. Nicholas was surprised when he saw Shae step out of the car; she was wearing an elegant, white wedding dress which spread across the floor. Her red hair looked longer, her curls sitting at her shoulders as she walked slowly up the aisle. Lucia rose from her seat to look at Shae, a tear fell from her eye. Lucifer walked up to Shae, taking her arm in his and walking with her to the stage to wear Carden stood, his gaze fixed upon Shae as well.

Nicholas noted Dario slowly sliding out of his seat and walking towards that corridor doors from where Nathanial had just walked out from. Nathanial looked exhausted, he was probably still trying to take in all the facts. Nicholas shifted his whole gaze to the two men, missing the union of the couple near the altar. The priest appeared behind them, he wore a humble smile as he began to recite the usual wedding scripture.

“We are gathered here today to watch this man and woman join together in holy matrimony...”

Nicolas noticed that Dario had begun arguing with Nathanial. Dario tapped Nathanial’s shoulder once, then twice, and Nathanial clearly not interested began to walk away. That’s when Dario punched him in the face. The crowd gasped and turned to face the scene. Nicholas saw Lucifer slip away into another room from the corner of his eyes. He saw many of the men reach for their pockets, some sat up, this wasn’t headed in a good direction.

The priest stopped, “Please continue,” Carden urged the priest. He began to recite again, “A man provides a loving home and hearth while a woman tends to that hearth bringing about the proper union of love. A couple is together...”

That’s when Nicholas noticed that Lara stood up, she walked over to the corner of the room where the two men stood.

“What is happening here,” she whispered in a frustrated tone.

“Don’t know what Zicarelli’s got against me,” Nathanial said, annoyed.

“Shut it you freak,” Dario threw a hook punch at Nathanial and Nathanial fell a few steps back before reaching for his pocket and pointing a gun at Dario. There was a shuffle in the audience and in a matter of moments, everyone was on their feet pointing their guns at each other.

“Now this isn’t the time, dear Dario,” Lara pulled Dario back but instead he launched at her grabbing her by the waist while pulling her head back with her hair. “You stay out of this you little brat,” he screamed in her ear.

Lara swiftly pushed him away, and with a kick in the shin he fell back on to Nathanial. Everything was silent except the sound of gunfire which echoed through the room. Dario’s body fell limply to the floor.

Chaos filled the room as further gunshots were fired, the priest stopped but Carden took out his gun, forcing the priest to continue the ceremony. Bodies crashed to the floor. Nathanial and Lara ran out one door while Nicholas took his frightened mother out another.

The couple quickly exchanged the vows, their blood pumping with adrenalin as they tried to get through the disaster. “Then with the power invested in me,” the priest spoke, his words shaking out of fear, “by the Christian Church, I now pronounce you-“ The priest’s words never left his throat as he fell to the floor.

“Husband and bride,” Carden said quickly taking Shae into his arms and kissing her. He then lifted her into his arms, holding up a gun from under the crook of her knees as he rushed down the aisle, avoiding the mafia war and swiftly exiting the building.


Thunder. Guns. Masks. The perfect combination. Thunder to give shelter. Guns to commit the crime. Masks to hide the sorrow. And then silence as he slowly walked. His footsteps were swift and quiet, like that of a lion creeping up behind his prey. His eyes fixed, like Apollo looking past his stretched bow. But his heart, frantic.

He walked through the carelessly opened door. The velvety rugs making him sick. They were all the same, all these rich cowards had the same taste. But Nathanial hated this one in particular. He walked down the halls where he saw canvas’ and family portraits. Out of anger he punched through one of the glass frames, causing the photo to fall to the floor.

Nathanial approached a large wooden door. He stood in front of it, knocking on it and waiting for an invitation.

“Come in,” an old voice said from inside. Nathanial walked in and stood there, his gun by his side as he glared at the man in front of him. The old man stood up, fear in his eyes as he took a few steps back.


“Lucifer has sent a message,” Nathanial said unemotionally.

“No- No! I did everything he said! How did you get in?!”

“You should lock your doors,” Nathanial said, walking slowly towards his prey.

The man stepped back, his hands trembling, “Please, I created you.”

“Oh, really? You shouldn’t have,” he spoke sarcastically.

“Good Bye Long Lee,” he said and lifted his gun.

“NO!” he heard a scream from behind as his finger tightened on the trigger. The bullet pierced the old man’s skin and he fell to the ground. A girl ran past Nathanial, crying and hugging the dead body, “Father!” she cried.

She turned to look at him, “Why?” she whimpered, “Please, kill me too, I have no mother,” she begged.

Nathanial woke up, horrified by the memories. It had been quite some time since he had dreamt of it. His first murder.

A/N: Hey guys! REALLY sorry for the delay. And the not so good chapter... I really hope you like some of the twists and turns though. Do not be disappointed as Pierre's chapter is gonna own some serious ass.

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1 Assasination requests:

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you are back and writing again :)
I love this story... Only problem is that I've forgotten so much, I didn't realise who the Drake family was until I checked the Mafias page... >.>

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