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This story is not for the Light hearted.
In the country of Russia, something stirs....

Thursday, October 21, 2010 Chapter 27

“My dear Shae, please come in.”

Shae walked into the dark room greeted by her Grandfather’s smile. She marched in and stood in front of his desk, the wooden table was elegantly organised, and he sat there toying with his chess board. She stood there in silence, waiting for the old man’s attention to turn to her.

When he finally did look up at he smiled, “Shae do I really have to tell you to take a seat?”

She sat down, for Shae, his words were an order.

“Shae, I am so proud of you, and I am so glad you turned out to be such a loyal and dependable grandchild. I can sense it Shae, you are different to the others; it might be because you have always been the closest to me.”

“I am pleased you know where my loyalties lie,” she said in a monotonous tone.

“Thank You Shae,” he reached for some files, “This is why Shae, I am entrusting you with my biggest secret, my biggest plot.”

Shae’s eyes widened, was he... was he finally going to let her be the heir?

“Shae, you may remember the meeting yesterday?”

She nodded.

“Shae, all my life I have been greedy,” he said looking out the window, “but I have been greedy so that I become what I have become today. And now that I have this power, this money and this weapon,” he paused for a second, “I plan to give back to the country I have lived in for so long.”

“My dear, our country is grand, it is beautiful, majestic, the largest country on earth, yet we don’t get the honour we deserve from the rest of the world. I believe it is time we made our move, it’ll be our warning to the world, they will fear us, we will have power.” He smiled at her and she managed a grin.

“This cannot be achieved without war. The only thing that leaves a mark on people is death. It stays with a person for the rest of their lives, it’s how you get noticed.”

“Naturally, everyone would disagree with me at first, as you saw yesterday, but they obviously don’t see how this is actually beneficial for them. They just see it as inhumane, using a human as a weapon.”

He turned and looked directly at Shae, a serious flare in his eyes, “You believe what I am doing is right don’t you?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Nathaniel, he is barely a human, he is a weapon, that is why he was created, to one day serve this purpose. I have never shared this with anyone. Shae, his body is able to absorb a massive amount of kinetic energy, so much so, that if this energy is released in one go, it would cause an explosion so great that it could wipe out a nation, the size of America.”

Shae nearly choked on the air she was breathing. She didn’t know how to react, this... this was... cruel, it was evil, it was evil beyond description.

“As a child we tested our theory, but in a much smaller dose, we gave him shocks of electricity, which he was able to withhold for a long period of time before sending shockwaves out. He did survive this, but then again, a blast as huge as we have prepared for, he is unlikely to survive. But for great things, great sacrifices must be made. To me he is not much of a sacrifice though. It’s a small price to pay for greatness. Shae, it is time we show the world our superiority. The fools who were here yesterday do not understand yet.” His voice reached a dangerously low tone, “but I will show them.”

“I cannot expect the support of the army in this, it is up to us, the mafia leaders to join together and do something for the country we have been taking from for so long. To create our own army. This is beneficial for all of us. The mafias will rule all of Russia.”

He walked over to his granddaughter and placed a hand on her cheek, his hand was as cold as the winter snow, “Shae, will you support me in this?”

“Always grandfather.” He kissed her on the head.

“Shae these files contain the information regarding everyone who attended the meeting yesterday, I want you to follow up on these people, and if they refuse to comply, you know what to do.”

“Yes grandfather.” He handed her the files and watched her get up.

“Shae, thank you,” he said as she was leaving the room. She turned to look at him and then walked out, disgusted.


It was an order, she had never done anything against her grandfather, her grandfather always did what was best. She sat in the lounge staring at the blank television screen when she saw him walk past. Nathaniel, he... he was a freak. There was nothing human about him, he did not feel anything. That’s what she was always told, and she believed. He met her gaze and stopped in the doorway, looking back at her. ‘He really is a freak,’ she thought as his gaze did not shift from hers.

“What do you want freak?”

He smiled. “Nothing, you’re usually not the type to think, so just got curious.”

“So you’re gonna stand there and stare? What a creep,” she said, angrily.

He laughed and continued on. As she saw him walk away, she felt a sense of sorrow build up inside her. She was going to kill him; Lucifer was going to kill him. He seemed to be just like everyone else, why was it that he was not human? How was he inferior?

“My, my someone’s lost deep in thought...”

Shae turned around, annoyed, “Do you seriously not have a home, why are you always here?”

He sat down next to her, quietly. ‘This is different, no cocky remarks...’ Shae thought.

He hunched over next to her on the couch, and ran his hand through his hair, smoothing it back. “That meeting yesterday was tough, wasn’t it?” He looked at Shae, who continued to look at the television screen.

His eyes ran over her body, she was quite different to all the other women he had been with, she was nearly as tall as him, she had short red hair and eyes which could pierce through bricks. Yet, he found her beautiful, she was different and he knew that once he had something he longed for in sight, he wouldn’t let it go.


She stayed silent.

“What is bothering you?”

Huh? What the hell. Since when did this bastard care? He was a selfish, no good, retard who only ever thought of his own desires. What was he playing at?

“You. You are bothering me. I suggest you leave...”

She was cut off as his lips met hers. The kiss was nothing like she imagined it’d be, it was soft, his hands were on either side of her face, and to his surprise she didn’t pull away.

When he finally pulled away, he looked at her, pushing a strand of her hair behind her ear.

“I am willing to give up everything for you. Everything. My wealth, my family, the mafia, just so I can be with you, cuz’ I know once you got something you want, you gotta work hard for it, and you gotta make sacrifices.”

His intense gaze sent chills down her spine.

“I’ve been thinking about you for days now, realised I’m a bastard to you, I’ll change.”

She was dumbstruck. What the hell was this? This was Carden Zicarelli. The head of the Zicarelli mafia, the most ruthless, the most power-hungry and lustful man she ever knew. He thought that he could fool her with some sweet talk? He was wrong.

“Zicarelli, I suggest you leave now, I am not a woman who you can toy with and get away with it, and this” she paused, “I’ll let grandfather know what you tried to do, I’ll see it that you go to your grave sooner than expected.”

He looked hurt. “Okay, if that is what you wish.”

He took out a gun from his pocket and gave it to her, “But I’d rather die by your hands.”

“What are you playing at Zicarelli?”

“Carden, my name is Carden.”

“Carden then-“

He kissed her again, this time bringing her hand with the gun to his head. He held it there before making her wrap her finger around the trigger.

“Shoot. Me.” He said in between kisses. He pressed onto her finger but she resisted pressing the trigger. Within a moment she threw the gun away, returning her arms around his neck. She pulled away, and they stayed like that for a while.

“Marry me,” he said.


In a hurry he grabbed her hand and led her to Lucifer’s room. He burst in, startling Lucifer who was about to doze off.

“What is the meaning of this?!” He asked angrily.

“I am sorry to disturb you, but this is of importance,” he paused and looked at a bewildered Shae then turned back to Lucifer, “I wish to marry Shae.”

Lucifer’s face lit up as a smile formed on his face, “That is wonderful!” he said, “But I suggest you get her mother’s permission...”

Carden didn’t hesitate for a moment, still holding on to her hand, he escorted Shae out of the room, heading towards Lucia’s room. Shae stopped him abruptly as she finally absorbed everything that was happening.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” she snapped.

“Getting permission,” he said, looking at her boldly.

“You don’t have my permission,” she spat and at this Carden became furious.

He pushed her against the wall, “What are you playing at?” he asked angrily.

“NO! WHAT ARE YOU PLAYING AT?! You think I’m gonna marry some pimp like you while you fuck all the random whores there are in the world.”

“Oh for fuck’s sake you’re not bringing Michelle up again, SHE’S DEAD!”

“You still slept with her...”

He paused as he calmed down a little, his hands moved up to either side of her face, cupping her cheeks, “I did not know what I wanted Shae, but now I know, I want you,” he said softly, “I love you.”

This time her lips reached for his and they stood there like that for what seemed eternity.

Authors note: Writing this was the worst experience of my life. Enough Said.


Why did he long so much to be accepted, especially by this man? This man that was worst that mankind had seen. But then again, he was the one they all followed. It was him, who he had worked for all his life, but never got acknowledged. Nathaniel entered the room to see an angry Lucifer looking up at him.

“Sit down,” he ordered.

It was not in Nathaniel’s nature to do what he was told, he never followed orders, but in this case he did, because it was Lucifer, the one man they all listened to.

He sat on the chair, placing his feet up on the desk in front of him.

“I am the reason you live this pathetic existence, I suggest you show some respect,” Lucifer snapped.

Nathaniel lowered his feet and sat up.


They sat there in silence.

“Nathaniel, I sent you with one simple task to Las Vegas, to eliminate Violi and instead I hear you start a massacre, did I not mention to you that it was meant to be a quiet mission?”

“You didn’t.”

Lucifer remained quiet.

“I guess your brain isn’t developed enough to understand the situation and act accordingly.”

Nathaniel sat there in silence, blocking out the insults.

“I have given you too many chances, and yet I’m going to give you another one. Shae has a list of people, that are now considered our enemies, I am asking you to take care of them, Shae has a lot on her mind.”

Nathaniel nodded and stood up from his seat.

“Quietly,” Lucifer said once again leaving Nathaniel feeling annoyed.

When Nathaniel left the room, Lucifer smiled to himself, he had the boy wrapped around his fingers and soon he would be the key to his master plan, the one he had worked for all his life.


“There is no doubt that Lucifer is gathering support, he wants to start a war, not only between mafias but this time everyone’s involved.”

Zach sighed and rubbed his temple.

“We have to get Nathaniel out of there,” Nicholas said, “I’ve had enough of Lucifer, I’ve learnt I don’t want to live like that again, but Nathaniel still follows Lucifer, it’s the only thing he does.”

“Lucifer’s thought this through well...”

“We need to shut them down, shut the whole project down.”

“Unfortunately I am no expert in the science department, nor can I track down the laboratories where his is handled.”

“Leave that to me,” Nicholas said.

“We need people on our side, the army, we need the army.”

“Dad, the army aren’t just going to burst in here and foil the whole plan, they won’t even believe such a thing, and with my record they’re going to kill me first.”

Zach looked up at Nicholas, “I think I know someone who can help us,” he said and rushed over to his computer, he sat there typing away.

“I remember a man, Tony Lee, his father used to work with Lucifer with some E1 project,” Nicholas’ eyes widened.

“Yes that’s the one, that’s Nathaniel.”

“Good, than this man can help us, he’s even more of a genius than his father and I once saved him from going to jail because of his father.”

Nicholas stood over his dad’s shoulder watching the names pop up on the screen. “Dad, one day I’m going to kill him, with my own hands,” he said quietly.

Zach stopped and turned to look at his son, “His greed will kill him first, son.”

“He’s ruined everything, I’m going to destroy him till he begs on his knees, destroy anyone who gets in my way,” he paused, “He’s recruiting by the way, the conference with the great mafia leaders, he’s asking them to join him; he’ll be unstoppable.”

“Then we have to do the same.”

Author's Note: I really ceebsed in this chapter. But you get the point. Even though it's lame xD

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