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This story is not for the Light hearted.
In the country of Russia, something stirs....

Sunday, September 26, 2010 Chapter 18

“Mother, you called?” Shae walked arrogantly into the kitchen. Lucia stood facing away from Shae, speaking to the resident chef. She looked down at the dishes on the Caesar-stone counter and picked up a golden spoon to taste one. Sipping from the spoon, she paused for a moment, closely analysing the different flavours in her mouth.
“This may need a bit more salt…” She said politely to the chef.
“Don’t be so rude as to interrupt your mother while she is having a conversation,” Lucia snapped and signalled to the chef to leave the room.
“Sit,” Lucia pointed towards the empty barstool and Shae did as she was told. She sat there with her arms crossed, managing a casual expression while staring out the window.
“Did I teach you nothing when you were young?” Lucia asked. Shae looked at her for a moment then looked back out the window. She knew.
“Answer me,” she said, her voice filled with aggravation and anger.
“I won’t interrupt you again,” Shae stated.
“I am your mother Shae, don’t think for a second that you can hide these things from me. What in the world were you thinking, when you… you-“ Lucia let out a frustrated sigh.
“When I what?” Shae asked insensitively.
“When you kidnapped your OWN brother!” Lucia yelled.
Dammit,’ Shae though to herself.
“What did you achieve from it, hmm?” Lucia continued, “What did you achieve from locking up your own brother and torturing him both mentally and physically.”
“Listen mother, it is none of your concern what I do or for what reason I do it. You were too weak to ever make Grandfather proud, you’re the reason women are seen as weak and fragile!” Shae snapped back.
“And it is considered brave and heroic to hurt your own brother, is it?”
“He is no brother of mine; he is not worthy to be.” Shae yelled.
“And who do you think you are to decide that?!” Lucia slapped Shae, the sound echoed through the room. “He is the same brother who would hold your hand when you were young, the same brother who would pick fights with any other kid who bothered you, the same brother who you would hide behind when you were scared!” She stopped for a bit and then her voice became filled with sorrow, “What have you become?”
“Who I want to be,” Shae said and stood up, “I wish not to slave away my whole life in a kitchen, and I wish not to be a useless burden lying around. Goodbye mother,” She said and started making her way out of the kitchen.
“I wish you had not been born,” Lucia said bitterly. Shae stopped in her tracks as she heard those words. She looked at her mother and then looked away, choking back that burning feeling in her throat. She left the room without another word


Jensen sat back on his favourite couch and let out a sigh. He picked up a cushion and put it behind his head as he began to doze off when he was interrupted by a knock on the door.

“Who is it?” he asked, annoyed.
“Sir, some important mail has arrived, may I come in,” an old man asked from outside the door.
“Come in the doors unlocked." An old butler wearing a very formal suit walked in and over to the couch.

He handed the large envelope to Jensen who looked at it for a bit. “It is from your wife,” The butler said as Jensen hurriedly opened the envelope. He pulled out the bundle of papers and stared at the first line written on the page.
Application for Divorce’
He smiled sadly at the page. At this the butler spoke in a concerned voice, “Sir, you are smiling?”
“Na, not really,” Jensen said and threw the papers back onto the table. He collapsed back onto the sofa.
“Excuse me for asking sir,” the butler continued, “But is this not the appropriate time, as you young folk say, to ‘party it out’,” the butler spoke in his usual prestigious manner which made Jensen chuckle.
“You’re right,” Jensen said as he got back up, “A couple of drinks and loud music would do the trick.”
Jensen went to grab his usual jacket off the cloak stand and started to head out of the room.
“Where are you going sir?” the butler asked.
“To party it out old man!” He said as he walked out.


Lucifer sat outside on his back porch, his chair rocked back and forth as he stared at the luminescent full moon. A gust of cool wind blew across his face and towards the direction of the woods. He stared for a bit, the woods were dark, trees and bushes covering most of the pathways. Another gust of wind blew in the same direction and he stood up letting the winds push him towards the woods. He walked as if he knew where he was going. He heard small creatures squeak as he walked past and he looked back to make sure he was not being followed. These woods were empty, nobody would ever come here as the land was owned by the Lucifer himself. He saw a bush of beautiful pink roses, which made him smile. He picked one and held it close to his heart. He kept walking as the path became clearer and he pushed aside a branch to once again be greeted with moonlight. It was a beautiful setting. The small pond sparkled as white light shone upon it. It was a setting where lovers would secretly meet and confess their true selves.

Another gust of wind blew, this time leading him towards a small cave formed with rock. Lucifer felt his heart pound against his chest. He walked over to the cave and moved the twigs aside. There his gaze fell upon a sight which would make anyone else scream with terror, but he sat down and looked lovingly at the skeleton that lay in the brown autumn leaves.

“Rosemary, my love,” he said, “It is me.”
He sat there in silence as if he was expecting a reply, then he spoke again, “I brought you a rose.” He laid the pink rose on the ribs of the skeleton.
“A rose for my rosemary,” he smiled again. Another gust of wind blew at him as he kissed the skull. “I love you,” he said.


The following scene is rated M and is recommended for Mature Audiences only.

The music pounded and Jensen picked up two beers and strutted up to the two women anxiously waiting for him. “Sorry for the delay ladies,” He tipped his hat at them at which they both giggled. Jensen grinned and as the music became more upbeat they all began dancing. One of the girls moved closer to him and put her arm around his neck and pulled him closer to whisper in his ear, “You didn’t tell me your name,” She said seductively.
“His name is Jensen,” a woman spoke from behind him. He turned around and smiled even more widely.

“Lara! It’s so good to see you,” He took her hand and led her away from the crowd leaving two very unhappy looking women behind. Lara looked back at them with a wicked smile. They went to the corner of the bar where Jensen pushed a strand of her hair to the side.
“You look beautiful,” he said, and he wasn’t lying. Her long blonde, wavy hair fell beautifully around her shoulders, her black dress hugged her curves as she looked up at him through her deep blue eyes.
“What brings you here? I didn’t think you were the type of girl to be at this place,” he asked.
“Well I wanted to see you, especially to thank you for helping my brother so much. I went to your house but the butler said you would be here.”
“I’m glad you came,” he said, “I’ve had a pretty shit day!”
It’s about to get worse,’ Lara whispered to herself.
“Huh? I can’t really hear you with this music. Let’s go somewhere quiet.” They walked through another door into a quiet room.
“Wow, you really know this place,” she said looking around.
“I own it,” he smiled back, “I built this room specifically. It’s soundproof.” It was quiet for a moment while Lara continued looking around the room, then she looked at him and smiled.
“Soundproof? That’s good.” She pushed him up against a wall and took out a gun a put it up to his neck. He felt the cold metal against his skin but didn’t struggle.
“So you’re like the rest of them too, huh?” He said breathing hard.
“Any last wishes?” She asked.
“Yes,” he said and pulled her into an embrace. There was a puzzled expression on her face as she found herself letting him do as he pleased. What was wrong with this guy? Why was he embracing his own death?

“You can kill me now,” he said, “This is all I want.” His hand dropped down to her lower back as he held her even tighter. His face was buried in her hair as he breathed in her sweet perfume. She abruptly pulled away and dug the gun even deeper into his skin. He looked at her with a hurt expression and took in a deep breath. Her hands started to shiver as her grip slowly tightened on the trigger.
“Is this what you want Lara?”
She looked at him, anger filling her eyes. “Lara, I’m not afraid of you,” he looked up towards the ceiling, “I’ve fallen for you.”
“How dare you?!” She snapped.
“I don’t care about where you come from, the things you have done in the past,” he looked her into her eyes, “I love you.”

She looked back at him and for once in her life, she felt weak. She dropped the gun and it landed on the floor with a thud. Her hand was still in mid-air, she couldn’t move. He knew what to say, he knew how to control her. She felt her whole body go limp, she was about to pass out when he caught her hand.

“Thank You,” he said quietly, pulling her close to him again. He smiled behind her back, "Gotcha!" he said to himself. “That day I met you, just-“ He was cut off as her lips came in contact with his. He stood there shocked for a moment before he responded to her, his hands trailing up and down her back as her hand got tangled in his hair.
He pulled away from her and kissed her gently on her neck. “I’ll take you away from all this,” he whispered into her ear. He continued to leave a trail of kisses going down her neck when she finally spoke.
“Now,” she said.

He looked at her with a confused expression, “Take me away from all this,” she said as she ran her hand up his chest. They kissed again, this time it was more raw and passionate before he lifted her in his arms and carried her to his car.

She woke up in his arms and looked up at him. It had been a very cold night and he had helped her, well, keep warm. His soft snores were the only sound she heard in the room. She looked around and slowly began to remember the adventures of last night. The thoughts made her smile. She analyzed his room, it was messy, like that of a teenagers, something she didn’t expect from the son of a great mafia lord. Despite everything he was still wearing his hat, he always wore it. It was another thing that puzzled her so much. She had no intention of last night turning into this; she had come to him solely for the purpose of killing him. Yet somehow he managed to change that. Somehow he knew what to day, he knew how to pull her strings.

Soon it was silent as she felt him stir. He put his arm around her and pulled her close to him planting a kiss on her forehead. “Good morning,” he said, smiling.
“Good morning,” she replied and another strange silence filled the room.
“Did the thought that I would kill you in your sleep cross your mind?” she asked.
“I can’t say that it didn’t,” he smirked, “But even if you did kill me, at least I have shared this moment with you.”
“Too bad I slept in then,” she sighed.
“Oh contraire, you woke up before me. You could’ve killed me if you wanted to, but you didn’t.”

“Yeah, don’t get ahead of yourself.”
He put his finger on her chin and moved her head so she was looking directly at him, “Face it, you love me.”
They looked at each other again before he got up and reached for the side drawer. He pulled out a plastic bag. Putting his hand inside the plastic bag he picked up a knife. Lara’s heart stopped, and her eyes widened, was he going to kill her?
“No silly,” he laughed at her as he read her thoughts. He then stabbed the knife into his arm wincing at the pain. He pulled the knife out of his knife and grunted from the pain as he looked at the blood dripping off the knife. He then held out the knife to Lara and she took it into her hands. Jensen asked her to now drop the knife into the bag.
“That’s the proof,” he said, as he found some bandages in his drawer and started to cover his wound, “That I’m dead.”

Special thanks to Matt, who's story helped me write the last part >.>
Also to Nicole who gave me the whole skull idea and also Nell for inspiration for the setting :D
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2 Assasination requests:

Anonymous said...

I am disappointed that he had to play her to get out of being killed, honestly... Surely there was an easier way?!
And sifffff Lara falls for him so easily...
LOL, I'm currently listening to "Break Your Heart"... >.>

Vlad said...

LOLOLOL thats how he rolls... you might see in the future that this becomes more... or u might see him being killed... depends on my mood :D (and nicole's ofcourse)

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