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This story is not for the Light hearted.
In the country of Russia, something stirs....

Tuesday, August 3, 2010 Chapter 4

Nicholas woke abruptly. He ran his fingers through his hair and tried to clear his head. His dreams haunted him. They showed him the reality of who he was. A murderer. He looked at his phone to find a message waiting for him. He smiled. Only one person could do that to him. Michelle.

Hey Nick, It’s been a long time. Just wanted to check if everything was alright. How’s work? Accounting seems so lame! That doesn’t mean you’re lame tho! IM SORRY! I WASN’T SUGGESTING YOU WERE LAME! Uhh… hehe… omg uni here is so awesome! I got to work with some children the other day! They are such inspirational children! One of them needed a kidney transplant but was the bravest soul I have ever met! I need to get back to work now. The teacher won’t appreciate me texting in class! Love you lots, Michelle.

He started to reply, a smile still fixed on his face, when a knock at the door interrupted him.
“Good morning Nicholas, You’re breakfast is ready,” His mum greeted as she entered the room. She stopped.
“Nick… I…” She gasped at the blood on the floor, with a horrified expression, she turned to face him.
“Don’t worry about it mum, I’m fine.” He said as he got off his bed and made his way towards the door.
“You expect me to not worry?! Why do you men have to do this awful business? I’m only here because of you Nicholas. You gave me the hope that this will all end and I enter your room to see blood on the mirror and floor!”
“I’m sorry,” He said coldly and left the room.

He entered the grand dining hall where his breakfast was already on the table for him. His eyes met his grandfather’s who greeted him with his usual fake grin. Everything was so fake about this place. The perfectly polished tables, the meticulously arranged, the formal clothing, the facial expressions, it all disgusted him.
And then he saw his sister, Shae, whose smile even more mischievous then his grandfather’s.
“Hello dear brother,” She said almost mockingly.
“Good morrow,” He replied. He ate in silence while Shae and his grandfather discussed the shipment of certain drugs. That discussion soon led to the topic of the events of last night.
“So brother, I heard you barely made it out last night, losing your touch are we?”
Nicholas didn’t reply. “You know grandfather, right now wouldn’t be a bad time to decide your successor, we clearly know whose got a knack for this,” She turned to face Nicholas, “And who doesn’t.”
At this, the old man smiled. “Now, now, if there is anyone who is losing their touch, it has to be me. People just don’t fear the name Lucifer as they used to,” He looked up at the ceiling as if remembering pleasant memories, “Those were the days.”
“I say you still got it gramps,” Shae said, sucking up to the boss. At this Lucifer chuckled.

Possessing no interest in this conversation, Nicholas got up to leave. “You know grandpa…” Shae said a little loudly to grab Nicholas’ attention, “I think my Nicholas has become a bit of a softie, don’t you think? I mean since that girl, what’s her name?” She said, deliberately encouraging an argument.
“I have no idea who you’re talking about,” Nicholas replied, controlling his rage. How dare she bring Michelle into this conversation.
Lucifer expression changed, he looked intrigued. “Face it Nicholas, you’re weak.”
At this Nicholas turned around to face his sister, who had risen from her seat.
“Ah, but sister, isn’t it the weak who issue the challenge?”
At that Shae pulled out her gun and pointed it towards her brother. “Is it the weak that can kill their own brother without a care?”
Nicholas had his gun pointed towards he within seconds. “No, just the pitiful would do that,”
“You’re pushing it punk.”
“You don’t have the guts…” Nicholas said, now grinning.
At this point, Lucifer interrupted. “Enough,” He commanded, at which Shae immediately pointed her gun away. Nicholas also slowly withdrew his gun. “Both of you are dear to my heart and I cannot bear my two grandchildren fighting like this,” Lucifer said. At this Nicholas smirked and turned around to leave. As he opened the door he said, “I pity you Shae,” And without another word, left.
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